A really fantastic idea, I have visions of putting a slightly convex mirror in the back so it appears to get bigger as you go back. Then I see the framed Charles Dickens in that book next to the design and thinking another convex 90% mirror that looking through the frame would allow the rest to make it an infinite mirror that would expand through the distance,
Those are so cool. I think maybe that needs to be a long term project, worked on a little bit at a time. It seems to me, Etsy would have a ton of dollhouse plans for such things… ideas and inspiration are precious. Thank you.
I did the drawings for the special effects in Diagon Alley at Universal Orlando. That would be a perfect prototype of a place to base a project like this.
Dang, if I had THAT on my resume it would be like the first thing I worked into a conversation with anyone, not something I sprung on them two years down the road!
Overall not a huge thing as what I did was minor compared to much more done on much less famous cases, but I did get to see the rest of the drawings and plans at the time. Like work with Disney could not keep representative samples of my work so only failing memory to go by.
This is a tiny piece of a much larger project… SECTION_fb.pdf (872.4 KB)
That I did every line (including the columns) from scratch
Found this…
A front elevation by the architect that I had to do in cad, I did much in 3d.
I think I posted this link a while back but that starts when I was doing 3D Max after many years in Autocad, and 20 years before that as Barefoot Goldsmith and other artwork.