Zen Garden CNC End Table

This showed up in my inbox yesterday:

There had been discussion about a similar table on Kickstarter some time back Sisyphus kickstarter . I had been thinking about this idea ever since. I like the manual control idea of the Instructable . I would like the option of both manual drawing and vector upload when I make mine. I see lots of opportunity for using the laser in the construction of such a table.


Ok, now there’s something else I neeeeed to have/make. Maybe I should spend some time in rehab away from all the good ideas so I can “dry out” and come back to reality :smile:


I think a prototype could be built in an hour. I have everything but a buckyball magnet for rolling around. It’s a tinyG board and several different sets of steppers. Have the mechanics and electronics ready. Prototype with cardboard while you are waiting.


It’s a simple table(other then the control system. Just a regular end table with a sand box of sorts. Nice idea.

Maybe for a more hands on, slightly less computer version, make a giant etch a sketch? Izzy swan did this some time back:

Maybe without the router?

Ooooo just hit me, giant coffee table!


Just the thought of a running router is about as opposite of Zen as I can think :wink:. There are certainly a lot of approaches that could be used with this idea. I can’t wait to see what people come up with!




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Saw this video the other day, and thought of this thread.


yes, I’ve been thinking the same thing. Took far too long to get to sleep last night after a flurry of ideas.

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I’m pretty sure I found this somewhere on these forums (the kickstarter is closed.) I guess it would be the advanced version.

Uh, why is that so mesmerizing? Uh, yeah, mumbly-yet-sophisticated british man, that toy is good for small children.