100K file size limit has bricked my machine

Hello, I’m an academic without a ton of money making designs for math reasons, not to make money. I bought an Aura and it’s great! But now that my trial of Premium is over I discover that there is a 100K limit on file uploads. Even my simplest designs are over this limit. I am paying for this machine and materials myself and I can’t pay $50/month (!!!?) to get Premium. The file size limitation is the only part of Premium that I need, since I make my own math models. Is there any chance this 100K limit will increase? Pretty please :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum.

Glowforge support personnel do not monitor this discussion, so only other users/owners are reading your request. I suggest you contact Glowforge support/sales and see what they have to say.


Thx I will do that. Also if anyone else is in my boat I did find some ways to reduce SVG file sizes which has enabled me to cut at least some designs in the meantime.


Not sure what design software you’re using for file creation, but you might try saving your files as PDF documents instead. I make some insanely huge files in Illustrator, but I never have issues saving them as PDF documents in their smallest format.


wrong thread.

100k is like a file size limit from back when we all had dial-up. It’s really dumb.

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I agree…

I remember when I made a 50megs.com account and it gave you a free 50megs of online storage. Around 2000.

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