I noticed that the GF shop no longer sells the 12" x 20" sheet sizes of their wood and acrylic. I loved these sizes for my larger projects. The small sizes mean I have to buy more and just doesn’t work well for my needs.
Are they going to offer them again in the near future, or have those sizes been eliminated from the shop? @Rita@dan
Does anyone have a vendor they recommend? I have the basic GF model, and can’t go above the 20" width for materials.
I should mention that I did see that size in one or two items, but not for “several” of the items that I usually purchase. It seems like that size is slowing phasing out.
They usually had 12" x 20" for all the hardwoods (walnut, cherry, maple, etc.). Now, they do not.
Usually if it doesn’t show up, it just means it’s out of stock. Of course, we’d probably never know if at some point they decided not to stock it any more. It has been suggested that they change the shop listings to still show the item with an out of stock notation.
I will certainly do just that. I’ve checked a few times over the last few months. Not sure if I just keep missing them when they are in stock, or if [that size] in the materials I want haven’t been restocked.
I have another source for acrylic, but not wood. That’s on me—always have multiple sources!
I could swear that I did, and it was fairly recently, like within the last two weeks. It could be that they get snapped up just as soon as they show up in the shop.
I don’t remember seeing 12x20 hardwoods, either. that’s a very uncommon size for hardwoods. 12" wide is a much harder find than 3-6" wide. i would be shocked if GF had a good, consistent source for something like that.
I wish I had taken a screen shot. I remember thinking oh wow, didn’t know they were offering larger pieces now. Can anyone confirm that they were ever able to buy 12”x20” Proofgrade hardwoods?
Okay, so I went to the shop website and checked under Walnut hardwood, and here is what it says:
Medium Walnut Hardwood (Finished)
6" x 12" $7.00 ADD TO CART
Approximately 1/8" thick
Also available in Pro Passthrough sizes.
Edit: Okay, I checked cherry and the Pro passthrough size is apparently 8" x 36" which, while bigger, is still not 12x20. So that must have been what I saw before.
Amazon and various lumber sellers local and on the net. There are plenty of sellers on the net that provide the larger sizes. Some may need to cut down a little. I also get my pen blanks and woods like walnut, maple and cherry, cheaper< depending on the amount purchased, than the local places
Their website and ordering process is a little confusing at first, but in addition to standard wood veneer (~1/42"), they also list a fair amount of 1/16" and even some 1/8" material. These are “raw” sheets that come in varying widths and in very long lengths. The widths can go from 3" up to 15" or more. The lengths are almost always about 10 feet. (Note: they won’t cut to sell partial sheets, but they will cut after purchase for easier shipping. 1/8" they have to cut. 1/16" they normally roll up and ship, but will cut on request. Trust me, ask for it to be cut.)
If you are a GF-pro owner, you might check out their “endgrain” pieces. They have taken tree cross-sections and cut to only 1/28" thick. A couple of problems, however. One is that the sizes are all pretty big with the smallest I’ve found being 20" in diameter. The other problem is price. These pieces are expensive. But it sure would make a great statement piece.
Very Cool! Thanks @shollg for this information. I’ve seen a few sites that could work, but I love hearing from GF owners and appreciate the helpful advice from those that have used the vendors.
I did find a local supplier for some hardwood. They’re a flooring place for the most part and has a medium large selection of lumber. Not much in the way of veneer though, so I’m checking out whats available online too.