50$ a month for premium?

There are other products out there for much less and much much but you will not get the support and extras you get here.

So, a very simple answer to all of this, if you don’t like it move on, but please quit whining, there has been enough of that this year to last a lifetime.


you are wrong. the baseline servers were also improved a while back.


i.e., you are trying to find a way to make this negative.

if you don’t pay for premium, nothing changes for you. that’s it. you can choose to get pissy that someone else is getting something more when they pay, but it still doesn’t change the fact that you get the same upload speed you had before premium was instituted.


“Works as usual” <> “slowed down”


Dan has stated repeatedly that the (recently significantly increased) speed of the free level of processing will not decrease.

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I am amazed at how something SO simple is SO elusive to some people. Your processing speed is X, but if you pay money for it, it will be XX. If you don’t pay for it, nothing changes…it doesn’t become slower…it doesn’t change at all…it’s still X!




I agree, but for some that won’t work, they will never get it, too stuck in the weeds…


some folks took a few more years to get through second grade than others?


As Marion would say…“We could feed France for months with all the dead horses we’ve beaten on this forum.”

Probably my all-time favorite quote on here, ever…


I am afraid that somewhere in the not so distant past we created a generation of victims.


Yes we did and now they are coming forward. Amazing what a time out versus a little discipline can create.


There was a time in our country’s history that they would all have become bear bait before they got old enough to pass their genes onto future generations. That makes me wonder where these ones all came from. Their genes should have been cleared from the pool. :thinking:


One would have thought they would have been cleared out by now but those left are now leading us down a garden path to nowhere… :angry:

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Just went to sign up cuz my trial is coming to an end, and they’re attempting to charge me $50, stating I needed to sign in by November 3rd for the discounted rate! Got my GF 2-3 weeks ago and still on free trial… not impressed right now


Mine shows the $50.00 too, but also shows a -$35.01 for the early launch promo.

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Just contact support; if it’s a problem on their end they’ll fix it, and if it’s on your end they’ll tell you what to do. They don’t monitor this part of the forum, so for them to know you have a problem you need to open a ticket by either posting in Problems and Support or sending them an email.

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Thx u!

Mine does not… is there a coupon code?

No code, i would contact support to find out the issue then.