50 Things That Would Make the GlowForge Better

My thoughts:

  1. Pre-configure specific colours to specific speed and power
    - Please no, what happens if I use that colour by accident?!
  2. Highlight thumbnails and drawing that will not print
    - That would be nice
  3. Stretch horizontally and vertically independently
    - Please no, do that in your drawing program. Not having to worry about accidentally re-sizing my art is bad enough. If I also had to worry about scale. Please no.
  4. Manually enter position and rotation
    - Create an art board in your drawing program - place the art where you want it
  5. Simple keyboard view zooms: selection, all items, whole bed
    - I doubt I’d use it, but I can see how it would be useful
  6. Simple keyboard item scale: wider, taller, proportional
    - art program
  7. Simple keyboard rotate: 1 degree, 10or15 degree, 90 degree
    - it does 1 degree and versions of 45 (hold down shift) already…
  8. When rotating, ability to specific rotation point
    - That’d be nice, but if it’s a specific angle you need do it in your art program
  9. Click the rotate icon for a 90 degree rotate
    - hold down the shift key
  10. Using drag and drop onto an existing drawing - ask if it should replace or add to.
    - It’s always an add to, if you want to replace you can click and delete
  11. Colour code left hand thumbnails
    - This I would love
  12. Reload last job from file
    - If you mean re-print, it would be nice, but they’ve pointed out that if you’ve touched your machine the head can move or the camera can be in a slightly different place and therefore any “re-print” would be unlikely to be identical…sadly
  13. Select single item, even if overlapping
    - It does that, but not easily I’ll grant. I don’t know of any program that can flow through layers without specifying layer…
  14. For non-US users ability to turn off “not proofgrade” warning
    - That’s a legal disclaimer. Not gonna happen. Plus they’re actively working on getting int’l shipping for PG so…
  15. If you need to, have standard and advanced UI options
    - Interesting, but what would you put where, and how would that differ from how it works today?
  16. Built in test cut/score/engrave pattern or process
    - That would be nice
  17. Auto adjust drawing position so it can be cut/engraved when out of bounds
    - Out of bounds is a physical issue…so I’m not sure what you’re asking for
  18. Save tracing to disk
    - That would be nice
  19. Ability to find long term machine use, cut times and mileage – useful for understanding longevity and billing.
    - That could be cool if you’re running a business


  1. Even better calibration
    - Have you done the camera calibration? It’s within less than a mm for most…
  2. Flip work automatically
    - If you mean invert colours, use your art program. If you mean reverse the image, I believe they’re working on that
  3. Snapmarks for everybody
    - Snapmarks were a holdover as they worked on their final software. They got their data from that, now Pros are waiting for final software! In the meantime - camera calibration
  4. Better laser handling at start/stop & corner points (it overburns)
    - There have already been a few improvements on that, but more more more! :slight_smile:
  5. Reverse order of engrave (back to front, not front to back) to avoid residue melting in on acrylics (make it an option)
    - That’s a physical restriction - check older posts for a technical explanation
  6. Pause and restart job - with lid open
    - See comments about re-print. Once you open the lid too much can change
  7. Quick and dirty optimisation of cut path or obey line directions as set in draw program
    - It follows a system, and you can force it with use of colour
  8. “No melt acrylic” cut order, spreads cut order as far as possible
    - Haven’t had the issue
  9. Support of text - even if only as bitmap engrave
    - Easily taken care of in art program, but it would be nice
  10. Printed grid on honeycomb for easy placement
    - Would be nice, though not something I’ve had issue with
  11. Integral fire sensor
    - They released that in the last few months
  12. Better rear fan design for cleaning
    - Agree totally!
  13. Fix “black cable” issue
    - They have, but a lot of machines were sold with the iffy ones
  14. Rejig the head design so the fan sticks out an extra half inch for better/easier cleaning
    - That could be a solution
  15. Increase cut area
    - GF 2.0 :slight_smile:
  16. Quieter fans
    - Adding the/a filter fixes that
  17. Better hose connection (just a bit longer protrusion from main body perhaps)
    - That would be nice - you can buy an extension in the meantime :slight_smile:
  18. Make the cut bed taller - even an inch or two would add hundreds of opportunities for engraves
    - GF 3.5!


  1. Still no shop outside US for designs or materials
    - They’re actively working on that
  2. Customer support and feedback process still poor
    - Poor how? Chat is instant, P&S is longer but in the meantime you can get advice from advanced users.
  3. Customer shipping notes still poor
    - True
  4. More active staff support via forums or similar
    - They’re still a startup, but their turnaround time is usually less than 24 hours for first contact…
  5. More “How To” from staff - or pay some third parties.
    - Have you visited the Matrix?
  6. Missing items from initial sales pitch, or replacements.
    - Examples?
  7. Better estimate of tube life
    - As it depends on what levels you’re cutting at no lasers give accurate estimates. They specify that you’re never overpowering it so the ~10k hours is a good estimate
  8. Better urgent ship process for spare parts
    - Haven’t needed it, but that would be good
  9. More standard “how to” and/or videos for the common support issues: no wifi, no calibration, etc – the ones that crop up on the forums over and over and over again.
    - Read the Matrix, they’re really all covered: Community Glowforge Tutorials: Table of Contents it’s just that everybody skips the FAQ and goes straight to the posting questions most of the time