Acoustic Guitar (our fav creation so far)

Our latest build. It looks like real guitar hanging on the wall :smiley: Ended up being our favorite piece yet, as we are music lovers.

It is 18 inches vertical, and 10 3/8ths horizontal.

If you’re interested, you can snag the files here


Ack. Can you upload the pictures again? I only see the one showing up, but that looks super cool!


It messed up, omg… Sorry about that, fixed!

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More pics :slight_smile:


Wow, that looks great!

I have been playing with the idea of trying to make a banjo… I noticed that my nylon cord when pulled taut can make a pleasant sound when strummed. The only thing stopping me is the mechanism to keep the cords at a certain tension…


I kicked around the idea of using real stings… However I didn’t want to scare anyone away from a simple design they could print and assemble quickly.

If I was to slightly re-do this for myself, I may change the string layer and try and come up with a clever way of adding real guitar strings for a one-off on my wall :slight_smile:


That would look even more amazing!

I understand trying to make is simple for others. But yours should totally have strings!

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My real guitar does :wink:

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Gorgeous work!

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Lovely inlay work on this as well as a brilliant idea

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Lots of different tuner configurations for the strings could be used but can’t think of any that could be made on the GF. Easiest would be to find discarded tuners in a music store parts bin. Violin tuning pegs are nothing more than tapered pins that friction fit in a hole. Takes some skill to make those well.


Love this!!! Can’t wait to try it out myself.

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That is outstanding. What a nice piece of art.


Love this. Is that a regular frame or did you GF plywood?

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It’s wonderful! I suppose you could customize the label inside to match your favorite guitar company.


Oh you totally could! But I didn’t want to run into an issue with copywriting and selling the pattern. So for the Music Collection I’m working on, each instrument will have simply the name of the instrument engraved somewhere on the piece.

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It is just 1/4th inch baltic birch, frame a simple square with engraved lines.

Absolutely beautiful! love the wood strings that adds to the beauty


Thank you! They are so spindly, they easily bend. I wasn’t sure they’d hold, but the Glowforge cut is perfectly.

Looks awesome.

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