Acrylic and walnut hummingbird

You can change them at any time, so I might change them many times during the course of the design.

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Hey so I was thinking today about what you said about your adjustment from 0.006 to 0.001 not producing any noticeable results and just remembered out of nowhere that when I first started practicing inlays over a year ago that I had that issue in the beginning! Force of habit made me forget that I had that issue once, but maybe the same thing happened to you. So I was typing in 0.00x and adjusting to the thousandths place with no results even with adjustments in the hundredths and realized that Illustrator defaults to pt. When converted to inches that adjustment is almost non existent in the thousandths place so my piece kept falling straight through with all those wild adjustments! When I learned that I had to physically type in “in” to change my kerf by thousandths of an inch, I started to see results. Now every time I create my offsets, I physically type “in” after my numbers. Not sure if there was a similar issue in the software you used but hopefully this helps!


Thanks! I have a lot more experimenting to do. Just have to find time to actually work on it! :slight_smile:

If you’re doing this a lot you can change the default units from pts to inches (or something else) in the preferences :slightly_smiling_face:


Even when defaults are set to what you like to use, I find they change now and then for no reason I can determine.

Whatever units are currently displayed next to the dimensions boxes at the top, however, seem to apply to everything you do, except for stroke width.


Oh no way! I never thought about that. Yes that is all I use so I’m definitely going to change that. Thank you!


Oh nice. I’ll change it but I’m going to be careful to make sure the adjustments occur in units of inches. I would hate to waste valuable material.

The default units setting can stay with the file, so if you work with different ones in different files you may get perceived changes when creating new files.