Acrylic Not Cutting - Asking someone to test cut to rule out file error before looking to machine

Hi all!

Bear with me this is my very first post as a new Glowforger : )

I’ve cut maybe 15-20 cuts of variations of purchased and my own small earring designs and last night it stopped cutting all the way through proofgrade medium clear acrylic (did not alter any power/speed/focus settings).

I tested the gift of good measure and it did just fine (testing in the same area of material).

I’m asking to see if someone can test cut (using same material) a small earring design I made to rule out if its the design or not as i’m going to be selling my SVG files in the near future and need to know if it’s design vs machine vs user error.

I also know my next steps are to clean the tray and lens but i’m hoping someone out there can help me out and test my file
Flower Eyed Smiley Face Earring with Flower Studs (1)


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Welcome to the forum. I ignored the engraving since your problem was with cutting. PG 1/8" clear acrylic. It cut just great…so most likely your problem is with the lenses and mirrors. Cleaning the tray will have no impact…that’s cosmetic only…unless there’s a chunk of material on it that prevents your material from laying flat.


You are amazing thank you!!!

I’ll clean them off and see what happens.


Clean your lenses often (get the big box of Zeiss wipes) it’s the single thing that makes your GF life SO much easier!


Just to be sure
Mirror under left edge
Window on left side of head
Lens itself
Windows on bottom of head
Mirror in head

Wipe all of those - I find the first thing to cause cutting issues is that mirror under the left edge. I clean that and the window on the left side of the head between every project. I clean the remainder of the lenses/mirrors, and everything else when the laser tube gets dirty enough I can’t see it flashing.


I wiped the lenses and WOHOO im back!

Thanks everyone I appreciate the assistance and look forward to giving back in the future.


Well friends,

I am back and i’m having this issue again - i’m now noticing it with both my cut and engraving.

Any suggestions?

In addition, I cut GOGM and it’s also not cutting properly. Could it be a slightly unlevel floor? I’m really hope it’s not the machine I literally just got it this month :frowning:

We have to ask, did you wipe down all the lenses and mirrors since it stopped working properly again?

I did not, I only had one lens wipe

I had cut maybe 4-6 small earrings in between when it worked and didn’t - that doesn’t seem right that I would have to wipe the lenses down that often with how little I cut.

There’s only one main lens…but more windows and mirrors. As @deirdrebeth listed;

Mirror under left edge
Window on left side of head
Lens itself
Windows on bottom of head
Mirror in head

You need to make sure they’re ALL clean…not just the lens. Do you have any microfiber cloths? Find something that won’t scratch the surfaces and if nothing else, use some vinegar mixed with water to clean them with that cloth.


When you say it’s not cutting properly, is it not cutting through? (And no, a slightly uneven floor isn’t your issue).

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I watched the Glowforge cleaning video to make sure as well - I will try to clean them again and report back.

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Yes I have to light snap out my earrings and usually the back masking is still attached to the main sheet and I have to tear it off.

Would you say the problem exists equally across the bed? Or is it more of an issue in certain areas of the cutting space?

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