I keep getting the air assist fan error stating it isn’t running at the proper speed - though it is cleaned & the fan rotates smoothly when turned.
I see no damage/melting or build up either.
I do not use magnets, though I have in the past with no issues.
I’m at a loss as to what to do next.
I keep putting faith in this machine, as I’m learning more and more every day though it seems once one problem is resolved, another appears.
This caused a MAJOR issue with my holiday orders and I had to purchase a $400 laser off amazon to continue producing. I need this resolved as quickly as possible to keep faith in the Glowforge brand. The last time I tried to contact customer service it took two weeks to get a solution I ended up resolving on my own due to my own inexperience.
Does anyone know what more I can do or am I going to have to order off market pieces to fix this issue?
Your trace right to the left is lifted. It will cause the fan speed issue. It is the trace that is carrying the signal from the carriage plate pads I opted for a replacement print head. There are some options to fix it your self but its a bit of a task.