Air Filter Latest

Not only that, but the small size meant it would have had a minimal amount of carbon in it that would likely be exhausted in days. I say that having a large BOFA filter with 30-40 pounds of carbon in it that I could (and have!) easily exhaust in a couple of weeks running even a moderate amount of MDF. IMO this design was unlikely to ever work and they spent way too long trying.

The number of people we see complaining about a form-factor change would be nothing compared to the number of complaints we’d see if they’d stuck with the original plan. $250/refill is a lot to shell out every couple of weeks - or less - even if you are making money with it.

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When I first saw the design, what is that four years ago??, I figured the exhaust would vent down into it and you’d replace the filter from the side. Simple, clean, elegant. When it was revealed the exhaust would go out the back and be connected by an elbow to the filter it was disappointing. When it was revealed you had to move the glowforge to change the filter, which presumably means disconnecting the elbow as well, why exactly are you pursuing this design?


I thought it was exceptionally cool looking, but that was before I started using a laser. At which point, sad to say, the original design actually became more of a novelty than a useful function.

It would have been fine for occasional use at shows, but the Compact Filter style makes more sense, even if it’s not as sleek looking. (Even if you are dragging it around to shows I think, but that’s just my opinion. ) I could hide it out of the way under a table, and not have to use a step ladder to put stuff in and out of the machine because it’s sitting another eight inches or so higher on the table. Then there’s all the hookup and disconnect…slap a quick connect on the back of the machine and top of the filter and you can just pull off the hose without worrying about cracking the housing with a worm clamp. That’s got to be easier (and safer) than lifting the machine off of the filter. And a drawer design would be interesting, but given the size constraints I wonder how effective it could have actually been? Changing the filter out after every few cuts would have added up cost-wise too.

Anyway, I’m disappointed for the customers who were looking forward to it, and for the team who tried so damned hard to make it work for so long.

But I’m also thinking we might wind up with a more practical filter out of the deal here, and long term, most folks might ultimately wind up happier than they would have been with the original design.

Time will tell I guess. But I’m not unhappy at the result. This style is smarter.


We just hit our 3 years of waiting for this which is completely unacceptable. We have been keeping a log what a log of how many false dates have been been provided, and it is really start to show what a joke this process is.

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While I understand your frustration, I have been waiting just as long or longer, I don’t think you understand what causes those delays. GF is committed to releasing a product that is something you will want to use, not something that doesn’t work or doesn’t work very well. In order to do this, they have to work within their resources. It takes time and money to create a new product.

You didn’t buy a product, you pre-ordered a product that hadn’t been made yet and GF has kept you up to date on the delays, changes, and why those are required.

If you don’t want to wait, cancel the order or get the compact filter. Otherwise, realize that they are working on it and you will need to be patient.

I do this work for a living; I understand what the process takes. GF is doing an excellent job of making products that work and work well. I am willing to give them the time to make sure they are able to meet my needs. If you don’t like it, there are many other products on the market you are welcome to go buy.


only reason I wanted the original was because they said it would be integrated into the app and tell you the status, and turn itself on and off with the machine. two really important things when you have hundred of students using it everyday who have very little experience. they forget to turn on the current filter all the time, and because the usage varies wildly I never know when to change the filters in my current aftermarket one until it’s far past needing it. I was never a fan of the under the machine design, but I really hope they keep the integration aspect.


I hope they are able to have some of this functionality. I think it may be difficult with any filter to keep it in a price range that users will pay for and still have monitoring for the filter change status, though the power on/off synchronization should be possible. It may be that the filter will need its own WiFi connection to make this happen. If not, it may be worth setting up a system were the GF can’t be powered on without the filter being powered on. What comes to mind is one of the power strips that has a “master” control - if the master device is on, the “slave” outlets can be powered on. If you connect the filter to the “master” outlet and the GF to the “slave” outlet this should resolve the issue.

One such unit:


Cool strip! Would the poor man’s option be any power strip with it’s own on/off button? Then just turn everything on via the power strip instead of at each device?

Agreed. You should see us the last two winters in our overcoats, hats and scarves, freezing our classes as we use the glowforge! Supposedly getting it finally on…wait for it…Halloween! Trick…or Treat? Hate to say what I’m betting on!

That is an option, but doesn’t have a failsafe - if the filter gets turned off, the GF can still be run without the filter on. The maser/slave setup ensures the filter is on before the GF can be powered on.

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Hurray, the air filter will arrive this year, after 4 yrs of patience :smile:
I will move the GF from next to a window to a dedicated small room, and I wonder if you could provide us with some measurements, so I can prepare table-height and wall-hole.

Why do you need a wall hole?

I am/ was in similar situation, cost of replacing filters may make the cost to use it not within my budget. Also my vent to outside made me crazy, serious lack of GOOD flexible venting options. I found some silicone ones but they can be a tight fit (cut knuckles etc.)
I got this giant floor box filter “compact” Nope, the cord is too short and does not look like it makes a solid connection. Plugged in today after about a month of moving stuff around to fit it all together and sometimes the power light isn’t on. the plug fits very loosely.

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I need a wall hole to blow out anything stinky that the filter does not catch.
Obviously the filter must has an exit somewhere.
And also, since the room is small, to suck in fresh air through the big dust filter on the opposite side of the room, to keep me breathing fresh air.

If you have a wall exit that the air can leave you should not meed the filters. If the filter is working you should not need the hole in the wall.


So the Compact Filter’s quality isn’t up to par I assume? Makes me question all of this now and feels like they just ran out of money and started half-assing it… Whelp gonna be getting this: VIVOSUN 4 Inch 203 CFM Inline Duct Fan with 4"x 14" Carbon Filter Odor Control with Australia Virgin Charcoal Which is 90% cheaper and if I run through the filter a lot; it’s only $35 for a new one! It’s apparently even the same CFM flow as the Compact Filter

That wall exit blows into other parts of a shared basement.
Geez, two people tell me I don’t need a wall hole, I just want to know where I will make that hole. You are not helpful at all.

Today I actually used the compact filter and never before have I experiences smoke blowing out of the glowforge so I am wondering if there is some kind of back flow of air. It was serious enough smoke for me to pause and stop more than a few times.

Kinda pissed.

If the filter is working you should not need the hole then. mine takes from the room it is in and blows back into that same room that I used when the main system was not working and it just cleared the room in a couple of minutes.

Just in case…did you toggle the switch in the UI to use the filter? Sometimes people forget to do that.

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