All I want for christmas

All I want for Christmas is for the two texts that shows up when my laser doesn’t know your material, to be swapped. For the past 7 years every time my monkey brain sees “Select Material” and “Unknown Material” it will not stop pressing the one that sounds like the natural next step and then that dialog box shows up and I have to go alllll the way across the screen to enter the material and then allll the way back to print.

Thats all I want. And maybe another Glowforge…


You should email them your suggestion, or put it in the #suggestions channel of their Discord chat. The company doesn’t monitor the community support forum so may not see this here.


Well, it isn’t World Peace, but it is a lofty wish all the same. May your wish come true.


Ya, I emailed them about it like 6 years ago and they said they would put it in the idea bin.

One day. Maybe.

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I don’t quite understand what you want… would this help?

You can do that with StyleBot and

div.ToolBar {
  flex-direction: row-reverse;

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