Another gift card holder

Question… I love this design, thank you. When I saved the image the living hinges are not connected to the top flap. Is that supposed to be that way? Should I connect them in illustrator? Any suggestions?

Welcome to the forum.
I just downloaded the file and I believe the living hinge is connected. Did you already cut the file or are you just looking at it?

i was looking at it

I am trying it out now!

How can I download the file

Welcome to the forum.
The file is in the first post after the text. Click the file and save as svg.

Got it,


How did it cut for you? I just downloaded the file also and as I looked at the file in the Glowforge Software it looked like the flap wasn’t attached to the hinges…I wondered how it worked out for you.

It worked great! It just seemed to look like it but worked just fine!

Could someone please provide the link to download this file?

It’s in the first post. Right-click, save.

hi! Do you have a link the amazon ones you use? also did you change anything on the template above?

Hi! can you link the magnets you used??

I ordered these but they were HUGE! Is there a link to the ones that go with the file that are smaller?

Sorry you ordered these - I used these for a purse and only referenced them as an example.
The file isn’t mine, so couldn’t tell you what was used. The thread has several references to smaller ones.

I bought these recently being 1/8 x1/8 x 1/16 square , they can hide very easily. Tiny thin round ones are easy to find by Google. These do not come in special packaging so if you have a pill bottle that will fit inside another pill bottle so everything is out of range of them I would recommend it.
These come in shielded bottles to start but are a bit pricier. (I have these also)…

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