I understand in Inkscape that you need to highlight your text and then choose from Path Menu Object to Path. When I do this glow forge still complains and does not engrave the text. The only way I can get the text printed is to save the file as a PDF. I really would like to skip that step and save it as an SVG only… Any suggestions?
When you go in to display mode, and choose outline, if your text still shows as solid text, then it hasn’t been converted. I’m not sure what version you are working with, because since updating to the newest version, my text conversions behave differently, but I’d click on the text and hit ungroup a few times and then object to path it.
A previous version of inkscape, don’t remember which one, used to give me a hard time if i had multiple items grouped and was trying perform an action. I’d usually just click the node selector pointer and use that to click what i wanted to change specifically if i was too busy (lazy) to troubleshoot.
I’m using Version Inkscape 1.3.2 (091e20e, 2023-11-25) on a MacBook. I never had this issue before. When I go to display mode this is what I see. So I guess the text has not been converted? I did select the text and under the path menu selected Object to Path. This is correct yes?
I did as you suggested and I’m not sure why it does not work but Glowforge complains that there are “a large number of objects” and I don’t see my text on the side panel where you set the parameters for the cut within Glowforge. Very odd.
I’m on 1.4 (on Mac) but it’s always worked for me. I usually update as soon as new version is available.
I just tried it using both “object to path” and “create bitmap copy” and left both the filled path and the bitmap in the file, both available to engrave - but of course the path one can also be cut instead.
I just did a little experiment. I simply typed out my name four time… keep it simple.
I saved the file as a Plain svg
On the first copy of my name I selected my name and from the Path Menu selected Object to Path
2nd copy of my name Stroke to Path
3rd copy Object to Path then Stoke to Path
4th copy I Made a “copy to Bitmap” from the edit menu
All four cases failed Glowforge complains “to print text expand the text to outlines”. blah, blah, blah… FYI, I also tried to save the file as Inkscape SVG… same problem
In the case of the Make copy to Bitmap my name if dimmed out and seems like it does even get recognized by Glowforge
I’m using Version Inkscape 1.3.2 (091e20e, 2023-11-25)
I just did the same thing, and only one “This design has text” message came up. The three paths are grouped together as they should be, and can be engraved, cut or scored, and the bitmap can (obviously) only be engraved.
I did delete the original after a made the bitmap copy. The odd thing is my message tells the text has been removed??? I can adjust the settings for engraving or cutting but the text does not print. So weird ! I have given up for tonight but I am going to delete my copy of Inkscape and then reinstall it tomorrow. Who knows maybe my copy got corrupted ?
Thank you to everyone that responded! I don’t know if my Inscape Version 1.3.2 was corrupted or not because I deleted it and replaced it the new Version 1.4.somthing I now can engrave and print without the annoying “The text has been removed” warning!