Another Topographical Map

I think you can export a contour model from qgis

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Sure, but even processing via qgis can be a bit more involved than importing a shapefile, etc.

Here is a great site I found for doing the depths of any lake.


Pretty sure I still have my Ultima III map. I may even have the spell books. Man… When I had enough magic to cast Fulgar, well… watch out, Orc scum!

Oh man, totally forgot about this thread, but totally going to do an ultima online map engrave for myself and my brother. we used to play that together when we were younger. so much fun!

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I totally went and bought an ultima online map off ebay after this thread!

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you dont have a scanner by any chance do you?

I do not!
As part of my lasering future I do plan on picking one up though. I will let you know as soon as I have one!

I’ve been experimenting with Google’s “PhotoScan” app, which allows you to “scan” documents by guiding you through taking a series of photos. Used it quite a bit a the Star Wars costume & art exhibit now in Denver.

It does some really neat math in the background, making sure the image comes out registered, orthogonal, and (almost) without shadows. The image below was actually 5 images captured then blended by the app in realtime. Originally stored as a jpeg, so there are compression artifacts.


oh nice! this is a cool photo to. I have an app called document scanner on my phone that kinda does that, but not quite as cool. I might have to make use of this photo if you have no objections…


Sure – just don’t sell it. :wink:
Don’t want Lucas sending his Dark Side™ lawyers after me with Lightsabers™


Worse yet, it would now be Disney lawyers! :sweat:



Thank you for that info, I want to make a backup of my old photos and this app is perfect :smiley: