April Announcement
Glowforge is all about your passions. For some of you that’s creative expression. For others, it’s about building your own business. And sometimes that’s about Aquaman and the Kardashians.
To start with two Glowforge celeb spottings, we were tickled by this Glowforge-made donut board by @poppyjackshop at a birthday party for Khloe K’s baby daughter this weekend. Happy birthday, True!
And for everyone who spent Sunday night glued to HBO to find out who will win the throne…Glowforge owner @oliveandapron recently tackled her first ever leather project, a gorgeous wrist cuff with a Hawaiian family tattoo inspired design. This one-of-a-kind piece was for Aquaman himself (actor Jason Momoa, who also starred as Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones). You can see him here wearing it proudly.

Customized Coffee
Share a coffee sleeve with your friends to keep their hearts warm and their hands cool! The magic gift box in the top-right corner of the Glowforge App has another free design for you this week, disappearing shortly… this time, a design with a story.
Our company has a tradition called Laser Thursday. Once a month, we invite employees and their families to come in, have dinner, and print anything their hearts desire.
One Laser Thursday, a new employee in Finance had just started. She had never used design software or any sort of fabrication tools, but she was determined to make something amazing. She refused all help and dived in to a project
She started with a cardboard cup-holder from Starbucks. You know the ones - corrugated cardboard that wraps around the cup to keep you from burning your hands. They’re useful, but I hate to think of the trees they consume! She tore apart the glue holding it together and stretched it out on a piece of paper, then traced around it with a Sharpie.
Then she fired up Microsoft Word. Using Word Art, she wrote: “Coffee. Because Adulting is Hard.” She made it in a cool font and printed it out.
Then she went total ransom note: snip snip, clear plastic tape, and voila: a coffee cupholder design. She put the paper in the Glowforge along with a sheet of leather, hit “Trace”, and the first Glowforge leather cup holder was born.
Today’s print is a cleverly enhanced version of the original, with a slick zip-up connection that looks amazing and doesn’t require any glue. Just like the original design that inspired it, it’s easy to engrave and personalize. You can Trace on a love note or a child’s doodle or use Add Artwork to add a logo for your favorite client.
Remember, the gift designs change regularly – each design is only available for a few weeks, so be sure to grab it when it appears!
Production Updates
If you’re waiting for an air filter or international shipment, the Air Filter and International threads have been updated with the latest:
More camera speed!
Last but not least, we’ve just released improvements that make your Glowforge camera run even faster. Head homing, which happens when you power up your Glowforge, is now 12 seconds faster. Autofocus is now 1 second faster. Every time you close the lid, it’s 1.5 seconds faster to load the image. This has all been turned on for you already, automatically, in the cloud - you’ll see the improvements immediately, with no changes or reboot required. Enjoy!
As always, you can discuss this update in the discussion thread. And as always, thank you for being an amazing customer,