Archived Live Q&A from 11/20/2015

Can we Queue jobs? I can see myself starting a long cut and engrave job, then going back to my computer and working on further plans. If those will fit in the scrap of the current sheet, I would like to be able to send them straight to the Forge as next job, rather than having to remember to send them up later. (In addition to being a klutz, I am flighty)


“Dan tell us about…” the power supply story. How are things going, and precisely what are you designing the new supply to do?


How far along is Greyscale carving? This is a huge deal, and seems complex. So far we have a lot of “We want to do this!” and not a lot of information on how far along you are on accomplishing it, or where it is sitting in the plans of features to implement.


This is mostly just a refinement of @karaelena’s question: Which components in the Forge are off-the-shelf, and which ones will we need to get support/replacement directly through you?


Different approach to my second question: Will you provide businesses with an API so that they can support the Forge? I know you are doing print drivers or whatnot for Inkscape and Illustrator, but if some of the more lofty software based capabilities get rolled out, it would be nice to have support in a few 3D programs, and it is possible that some people in this community work for those very companies and could bake GlowForge support into the native software, if allowed the tools for it.


Probably already answered in the forum somewhere, but with such a massive pass from the original 100,000 goal, are there any sort of push backs from the original shipping date estimates since there are so many more orders?


Can you break this into separate questions so they can each be voted on separately? Lot of good stuff in here.

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What sort of maintenance is the owner expected to do?


Sorry bout that…

What type of stepper drivers are being used in the GF? Off the shelf or custom? (And can you elaborate if there is something special about them)

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Can the the laser be calibrated by the user and in general, how often need that be done?


What tech. are you guys using for the gantry? Belt? Screws? or rack and pinion? (Pretty sure GT2, but I like to know about it.)

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I haven’t heard any mention about a homing / reference cycle. Does this GF do this on startup only and never again? Or does it reference it self before every job. If it does have a homing reference cycle- what type of switches are you guys using? mechanical? or inductive?


Cloud API question, Do you guys planing on opening the cloud API to other devs to make plugins for apps that you don’t have support for? (Random example- Raster plugin for Photos OS X) And will allow support for things like IFTTT or Pushbullet/Pushover? (Currently I have my current laser turn the hallway light red when the laser is active, I’d like to do something similar with the GF)


Is there a more scientific way to determine how loud the GF is with and without the filter? i.e. a dB rating?
Odors. Since the GF /w Filter has a HEPA & Charcoal activated filter, How much of the odor is being cut down?


Where do you see Glowforge as a company in 5 years from today?


The cutting area is 12x20, what is the actual space inside for the material? Is there a extra 1/4" all around?


Are you currently on track to meet your goal of shipping out 50 test units in December?


@karalena: Ooh! IFTT support would be amazing, then you can even set it up so your GlowForge will text you whenever it finishes a job (Yes, you should not leave it unattended, but I want a text to ME whenever a job starts/finishes so that if someone else is using the machine when I am out of the office I am aware of what is happening. I have all my 3D printers set up like this already)


What is the biggest mistake you have made trying to cut or engrave something (worst smelling, biggest fire, biggest explosion, etc. your choice)?


Ditto. I either have a custom M code that fires off the status or directly (if the API supports it)