Archived Live Q&A from 11/20/2015

Can we see more videos on making items with leather?


Does GF have a list of Maker Faire’s/Conventions you are planning on attending in the next few months?

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What’s the biggest project y’all have undertaken in the glowforge cut/engrave time wise?


When will a “Beta” of the design catalog be available to designers, so that they can start planning how to create and upload their designs?

Have you gotten anywhere with this:

Continuing the discussion from Open Source / Free modeling software suggestions?:

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Any word on if “starter” projects will be included with the GF? How will the projects be selected (could you pick several and have this community vote on which ones will be included?)


In order to ask a question:
Can we get a shout out about the glowforgers map so kindly created by @makerblock on the Q&A since it seems to have stalled?


Can the Glowforge help bring about world peace?


The stuff that end users upload to the catalog and made public- Will the author have the option to mark things as read only (as in non-editable) but cuttable? And also will there be an option to collaborate on a design/project? Like a group share that can be made either public or private?

Let me ask the obvious stupid question…

Where can we watch said YouTube livestream at 4:30 PT? Will there be a link on the YT GF channel?


I will be using this in a building constructed over 100 years ago with floors that are not level (think 2 inch difference in the room the GF will be in…so shims!) and have comparatively a lot of give in them. How sensitive will the GF be to vibrations (like from walking)?

Would second that one - our shop is in a 150 year old building that shakes when big trucks drive by

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Are the revisions that are being made to the Glowforge (which will improve the ability to do 3D relief carving with variable depths) going to be hardware based, software based or both? And a follow up question; if this will just a software update, will the R&D on this function effect the product shipping/release date?

I feel like a noob. Whar is the live stream? I checked the YouTube GF channel and nothing. I went to and nothing. No clicky links anywhere.

I am thinking its 4:30 Pacific…I am mountain so its 5:13 here as I type this.

I don’t know how/where to find it either. I really don’t want to miss it.

It is 4:18 PT right now.

Do you know how to find the live feed?

No, I wish I did, hopefully they update this thread when they are ready.

emphasized text

6:30 pm Central time so I assume it will automagically appear on the channel.