Archived Live Q&A from 11/20/2015

I have to say, I laughed pretty loud when he used the “known unknowns, and unknown unknowns” line. haha

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Don’t underestimate the ‘silent majority’…I was watching, just not participating in the chat.:no_mouth: Hopefully there were others who did the same.


It took me 20 minutes to find the chat icon on my iPad. It was right there. Was looking up not down. Now I have a YouTube channel. Maybe a Sketchup video demo.

My big laugh came when he noticed the troll in the chat area. LOL


Lot’s of discussion about S/W, filters, cooling etc. My biggest takeaways"

Biggest threat- Quote: “I wish I had something more specific but fortunately all the things that were causing us real grief have mostly been knocked out. If you’d asked me two weeks ago I would have said it was our laser tube vendor and supply chain. That’s why Mark was just over visiting them and touring and working with the factory owner and making sure they can produce the volumes that we need and actually watching the process and making sure that they had enough people and that the process was quick enough. That they could turn out the numbers that we need.”

Actual size of bed- Synopsis: Laser can travel about 12 x 20” for vector cuts. If you are engraving you want to leave about an inch or so at the border because the head would overshoot and bang and the GF won’t let you do that. There is additional inch or so of room around the bed where you can get your fingers to remove the material and grate.

Power Supply Status- Quote: “I’m very excited because it’s going to be coming in very soon. (emphasis on the word very) And then we’re going to have variable control of the power. Which is the big thing we didn’t have. So right now the laser is either on or off. And this is going to let us have 255 shades in between.”

Maintenance- Optics are all enclosed. Just two glass windows. The GF team rarely clean the windows. Just wipe them down with a special lens cleaning cloth. The two windows unscrew and are replaceable but they have never had to replace one. The laser tube should have about a 2 year life depending on use and they have developed a system for replacement where it does not need re-alignment.

Schedule: Question: Are you still on track to start shipping test units next month? Answer: Quote: “Yes.”… “Should have an email out, let’s say next week with a whole bunch of updates.”

Very nice to have the archive up so quickly. I was out picking up my kids during the stream. All the answers were incredibly promising, especially about greyscale.

Dang, I would have loved to watch the live stream. The 16hr time-zone difference meant that I was enjoying a lovely Saturday morning sleep in. Time to settle in and catch up now, but from what I’ve read here things sound promising so far.

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Great Q&A; looking forward to the next one. It answered a lot of questions and left an upbeat feeling.

@dan We surely appreciate you doing this, cleared up a lot of things in 30 easy min.

I know this has been said 110 times already :wink: Great Q&A @dan. Very good update. Solid information about a lot of different facets of production and design. I can tell you are excited about making something special, and it seems like you and your team are well on your way.

It’s OK I don’t get tired of hearing it. :wink:

Seriously though, I appreciate it. We’ll do it again before too long. I imagine a bunch of questions are going to pile up between today’s email and the beta request form!


As these are obviously felt to be important questions, are they going to be posted to the FAQ/somewhere on the site that’s approachable by those too squeamish to dig through the forums?

Oddly we’re not getting any new recurring questions on the support alias (other than OMG BETA HOW DO I GET IN as of yesterday) so I think the FAQ has hit steady state. But I’ll see about fleshing some of it out.

@Dan , are there any updates or tests with the variable power supply? I know of several post that have had discussed it. This is the only one I have found that has given the most information on timing. Just checking, as this was from the live Q&A in November. Thanks again for all the updates and time you spend here in the community.

Ya know, I deal with people a lot. And a lot of those dealings involve their promises and reassurances about how far along they are in regards to their software, systems, procedures, confidence in their ability to deliver what is asked of them, etc etc. So much so, that I’ve gotten pretty good at being able to tell when someone is honest and forthcoming, vs shooting beans.

Dan: you come across as 100% honest & trustworthy, and that’s a rare thing in this world, especially when it comes to creating something brand new like this.

God Bless!


Thanks @nunzioc. Although I gotta say that shooting beans sounds like a fun activity I’d like to try sometime.

Power supplies are held up on one damn component - we’re in “any day now” land, and have been for a few weeks.