Archived Live Q&A from 11/20/2015

Here’s the ‘key’…just edited by Dan; UPDATE: will add the URL as soon as I triumph in hand-to-hand combat with the Youtube interface.

I see you!

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I can see and hear…chat?

How will the software handle things like DXF units of measure? Will I be able to make mechanically accurate designs? I plan to use my GF to make mechanical pieces (flats) drawn in solidworks that fit together, possibly combined with 3D Printed parts

Will the filter really capture dangerous gasses, like carbon monoxide?

I just logged on to youtube and missed the start. Did you talk about the material shop and how that is going?

You will be able to see the chat again on a video they will post.

Only tangentially. Sounded like everything except the hardware, originally planned S/W and shipping are going to take a back seat for awhile.

Dan, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.

Thanks so much everyone for coming! The archive will be at
although youtube takes a while to process it. We’ll do it again soon.


Enjoyed the information very much! Getting excited for 2016!

Thanks Dan. 36 folks tuned in. I would guess that all the other Glowforgers actually have a life and are out doing something on a Friday evening.

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Yes, along with a few folks who stumbled into the wrong room from whatever party they were having :confused:

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To keep the thread going for those who watched: what takeaways remain with you most? What remains unanswered about the product but is assumed to be part of initial shipping? To start: Grey scale and power supply are under control. That will be amazing. I have some Chinese paper cutting art and Dan’s mention of paper and dialed in cuts made me think of that. Still unanswered: downplayed the materials catalog and didn’t clarify the design catalog. Not that I am worried.

The grey scale functionality is a big one for me. I’m also looking forward to what will be in next week’s email.

I wasn’t overly concerned going into it, but even less so now after hearing Dan say that they’re on track to be sending out the initial units next month.

Unfortunately I had to multi-task a bit and listen while I was working (I love working from home!), so I’ll have to give it a second watch when I have some time.

Thanks for doing this Dan!

The archived youtube link works now ( )

I took it. Sorry, but it was a long day. Now we have another 100 topic. Great show GFers