Fully functional, customized for the location where the recipient lives. She’s officially an astrologist - I’ve been working on this for years, on-and-off, so a perfect reason to finish it up and make a few more…
That looks amazing.
Looking at it makes me realize I have no idea how to use it anymore. I’ll have to do some research.
Beautiful craftmanship. Congratulations @eflyguy !
Wow! That is one amazing and very personalized gift.
A very nice gift!
Love it!
This piece pulls me in two directions so hard I feel like I’m being drawn and quartered.
Are the background pieces part of a NYC subway map puzzle?
Very cool nice work.
I’ve been researching making one for a long time. Started by spotting it in the background of a couple of YT people I follow. Found a Smithsonian article on it, then later on an Intructable which also includes a link to an easy-to-use generator tool. As-produced, they aren’t perfect for my needs but it was enough to use for the bulk of the design. It’s taken a long time to get it “just right” and as this is the first one I’ve make, I may make some slight adjustments, and keep this one for myself and make even better ones for my friend and daughter. The engrave steps take a long time because I have to use two different settings, but I may change something about the graphics to be able to make a single pass. Not that it matters much, as the machine only gets occasional use.
Finally, I am trying to get a more “classical” rete design from the Smithsonian images I have, but that will take some time and honestly I need to let my OCD subside for a while!
Does she know she’s going to be getting this? Either way, knowing or not, she is going to love it! Great job!
This is truly amazing!
Awesome project!
Nope. Shared the pic with other friends who know her, but they will keep the secret. I’m not good at keeping them, though, so I may ask her where she lives (I know her street is a mile from me)…
Also made a display stand, with her star sign cut out of the feet. Dyed her favorite color…
'Forging another now, with the changes made. Print time is 1/3 of the first.
impressive. this is excellent work. will make an excellent gift.
(is gift pronounced jift?
That’s great! She’s in for a wonderful surprise!
Wow! Another great project! You can know no bounds when you have a GF, cutting PVC and metal excluded.
i want one. looks awesome.
It’s lovely, and so creatively photographed! I always forget to stage my photos, but it adds so much.
Hehe… I have a very large and difficult jigsaw puzzle I’m trying to figure out on a 30x60" board in my living room. It’s a beast. But also a nice surface to put things on like this. I have two more I am finishing up, one for myself, another for my daughter… I’ve been refining the design files so I can churn them out on-demand…