I have been using my Aura since December so not a long time at all and I’m still learning. But I haven’t had any problems with it before till now. I have cleaned it as many people say to clean it. I believe to my knowledge that I have tried all the tricks to get it to cut right but it is not cutting correctly at all. It’s offsetting in a really big way. What can I do to fix this? This project is for my 3rd grade sons classroom.
Including some photos of what is going on. I used both Glowforge light basswood plywood and not Glowforge. It does the same thing.
Have you gone through all the cleaning and inspection items? If yes, call Support and have them look into your logs. If no, start there. Seems like 90% of the issues can be corrected with regular wiping of the rails.
I got a different file and Aura cut that file just fine. I do clean it almost after every use. I don’t do it after every use because I don’t do big projects and most of the time it’s more engraving. Doing this plane was the biggest project I have yet to do with my Aura. Getting another file worked this time. I do clean it well and set focus if something starts to cut off and that helps big time. I know it’s not much help but it’s something.
Thank you! Yes, I do clean it well. I vacuum it out and wipe everything and let it dry really well before using again. The vents, the camera, the rollers and etc. Cleaning it does help.
It may just be that there’s too much going on in this design. My suggestion would be to either ignore half the steps, run it, clean it, then reverse what you’ve got ignored and run the rest. As long as you don’t move anything it should line up exactly.
If they’re all a single job you can move half the design elements (ungroup if needed) and drag them off the side in the UI (until they turn red), then run the first half, clean, then select everything and drag the opposite way so the uncut items are now lit up to cut and the already cut ones are showing red.
Mine is doing the same thing. I’ve cleaned it after each use, and only used the Proofgrade materials. I thought whatever was wrong was corrected since the piece of acrylic I was engraving and cutting was going perfect, until the last 25% of the first cut, then it was cutting all over the place. I’m not sure what to do, as this is becoming a very expensive (and frustrating) failure for each thing I’ve tried!