Aura medium purple acrylic not cutting all the way through

New user of Aura here. I am trying to cut a catalog design from medium acrylic and it’s not cutting all the way through. I am not sure if I need to adjust power or number of passes, and I’m also confused that an out-of-the-catalog design does not work on a proofgrade material without adjustments. Is there something wrong with my new machine? What should I adjust? The default settings on this design are speed 7, power 10, passes 3. Thank you so much!

Frustrating, I know. It’s very doubtful that there’s anything wrong with your machine…but instead it’s because of your choice of material. The Aura will not just work with any and all proofgrade materials. I suggest you read some more about that on the website. 1/6"materials are recommended for the Aura…and are labeled Eco-thin. Here’s a complete list of the types and kinds of material for the Aura.


Thanks so much; I appreciate your reply. I am still confused though, as according to the Glowforge website, the material I used is compatible with Aura. I got it to work by changing from 3 passes to 4 passes.

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I could be wrong, but the Aura uses 8" x 12" size, right? If you click on 8x12 and then 1/8" material, it says that combination is not available.

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No, the Aura can take materials 12" wide with indeterminate length because it has a pass-through. The material I was using was 12x20. I think you are thinking of the Spark.


You’re right. I have both machines…but, I forgot about the passthrough.

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