Aura not connecting to Wi-Fi

Hi all,

I’m having trouble connecting my new Glowforge Aura to my Wi-Fi. I’ve tried many different troubleshooting options, but am not able to successfully connect.

Note: I know this is a new machine :sweat_smile: Currently, there is no info on how to Factory Reset the Aura or other posts relating to my dilemma…yet hahah. Just thought I’d start a post on it!!

***I have a Glowforge Pro and am familiar with the setup process, but keep getting “Glowforge Did Not Connect”.

I’ve tried all the trouble shooting options:

  • restarting computer / aura / wifi
  • using various browsers with cleared caches, including firefox
  • made sure wifi is 2.4GHz
  • moved aura close to signal
  • disconnected any other device that may be interfering with wifi
  • holding down button for more than 10 sec (only shows teal color, no Factory Reset instructions online that describe another color)
  • emailed support (hopefully i get an answer next week!)
  • posting in the Community tab :slight_smile: :heart_hands:

THANKS IN ADVANCE! :crossed_fingers:

I don’t have anything more to add, since it looks like you’re trying the right things. Except to say that I had that with mine once but it worked on the second try, and I think you’re right about holding down the button.


Have you tried your phone’s hotspot instead of house WI-Fi?
If that works then you know the problem is somewhere in your Wi-Fi, if not it’s more likely it’s the Aura itself.

I had to run setup a couple times on mine too before it connected successfully.


Thanks, Chris! I’ll give this a try again.

Thank you! I did try my phone’s hotspot a few times, but no success. I’ll try again today!


Are you holding until teal, and then releasing, and then holding again? If no, worth a shot?

Also, are you getting to the network search area, or is it failing before then?


Thanks Deidre! Gave that a shot and the button turns back to white if I do a quick tap or hold it down again. :sob:

Here’s a video for reference:

**I’ll also reply to this my post of a video of the process I’m going through overall


Hey everyone, here’s a video on what I’m going through:

  1. WiFi Setup prompts me to hold down button for 10 sec until teal
    -turns teal
  2. Connect to Glowforge > hit Next
  3. “Now let’s tell your Glowforge how to connect to your WiFi router” screen
    -immediately gets Glowforge Didn’t Connect screen
    NOTE: for this last step #3, there WERE a few times where it briefly showed a list of the WiFi, but ultimately led me back to a dead end
  4. Teal light fades once I get Glowforge Didn’t Connect

Hope this gives you all some insight! THANK YOU again for the helpful tips so far. :sob:


Sigh, worth a shot! Same Engineers…guess they thought of something “better” :stuck_out_tongue:


is most concerning - I wonder if your Aura has a screw loose :frowning: If you’re on the new Discord, there’s a channel there for help that some staff is reviewing. Might get a faster response than your email.


Have you had any luck? I just got mine yesterday and the exact same thing is happening :upside_down_face:

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