I’ve done quite a lot using embossing powder and my PRU. Here are three of my projects. Looking forward to some wonderful creations from you when you get your Glowforge! Cheers!
The coin of my realm…it is the way of my people. PG maple ply, engraved both sides, gold embossing powder. Filling up unused spaces on my material. Sorry…should have given a reference…slightly larger than a quarter.
…on embossing powder and coins of the realm. This is about 3.5" across…pretty much coaster size. Just a little ‘thing’ for my brother. Not a wooden nickel but a wooden denarii. I really need to get a life and move on to other things…but, this is just so darned much fun! An offshoot of this is that it is giving me valuable learning time in my design app (Affinity Designer for Mac), which will pay off over the long run. With the glory…or should I say ‘glo…
Simplistic in design and a cinch to make with a pre-release Glowforge and my old standby favorite, embossing powder, these little pins harken to buried pirate treasure, your location in a shopping mall…or souvenirs for sale in a park gift shop.
These are one more little fun thing I’m making for guests during our family get-together in July. I will admit, it’s for selfish reasons……because I can, because it’s really fun, and last but not least……becauseI want to show off a little (or maybe a lot).…