Getting ready to head to the Expo Center and start the setup. Will be posting updates as I can. Wondering if I get to do another unboxing of a Glowforge.
If connectivity works out well, I’d love to do a live stream on my YouTube channel. Otherwise, I have 70 pounds of Proograde and four fun days of nothing but Glowforge.
Booth 2315: Hands on with a Glowforge laser cutter and engraver.
Probably a fool’s dream to hope they’ll send/have someone at any of the maker faires near Cleveland I guess they’re not until after the current estimated ship date anyways.
Awesome. I really wish i could be there to check it out, but i’m on the wrong coast.
However my sister, who i talked into also buying a GF, should be there. I’ll send her your way.
Hopefully you can convince her she made the right choice. She isn’t active on the forums so she hasn’t been seeing all the cool stuff made on the PR units.