Best metal for outdoors


Testing on engraving Titanium.

There’s some type of medium that can be purchased to bring out the ‘rainbow effect’ on Titanium, but it’s sold in a large quantity and was expensive. My project is so small it wouldn’t have warranted buying any.

The numbers are the speeds starting at the lowest possible, at full power, and 270 LPI

At the lowest speed, it also did something to the back……

These are the closeups….they only look blue because of the LED light that I was using to take the photo. (The 100 speed looks like embroidery)

They become more pale as the speed increases………

(sorry this one’s blurry)….and although more pale, you can actually see the rainbow effect starting to show. I may try one of these last ones at two passes to see what happens.

As far as readability goes, my vote goes to 130 - 140 in the first photo.
Any thoughts / ideas are welcome.