I am still on the fence as to how real the “freeze” is. I have met lots of really great people here, but at the same time there is something in the water that makes deep connections difficult.
It is funny that you mention the San Juans, one of my favorite clients that we do web development for is http://www.visitsanjuans.com. I like working on the site, but I really like the perks of working with folks who own hotels and restaurants on the islands!
I love him dearly, but he is the weirdest cat (of the many) I have ever shared my living quarters with. Just ask @Tony who met him last night. I do like the tuxedo cats in general though.
I love how the first beta user reveals himself right after I speculate that a company NDA would likely prohibit such a thing (sluuuuucc… I was successful at extracting my foot from my mouth).
Man! I’m glad a Josh got the first public beta unit lol (victory for Josh’s everywhere) @jkopel gets the beta unit, while kitty-corner across the country I will continue enjoying the sunshine and very blue skies lol
while dying inside
In all seriousness though, I had a feeling you would be one of the first with your combination of creativity, helpfulness, time, and closeness to the GF Factory
This made my work morning, such a nice surprise to come into work and - all while not getting any actual work done - find.
I agree completely. and very beautifully phrased, I might add
So nice to see one in someones home. Makes me feel that we are all even closer to getting one. I am so excited to be cutting all kinds of parts with mine. And I have a long list from all my friends that want to do projects themselves.