Bone Folder Scoring Board

Hi. I am wanting to make a scoring board for folding paper. Has anyone out there designed such a thing?

I made one out of chipboard long before I had a Glowforge. It is three rectangles arranged in two layers. The top layer is two of the rectangles totaling slightly less length than the bottom, so that it creates a trench across one dimension. I can add L-shaped pieces to the top to align specific sizes of paper.

Is something like that what you want?

These days, I am more likely to score with the back of a craft knife. I made a 2-layer thing from acrylic that has a flat rectangle with an L-shaped piece on top, aligned to two edges. I use a template or a ruler for scoring lines aligned with that.

You can also get a blunt wheel for a rolling paper cutter.


You bet that’s something that I’d want. Thanks!


You could also make a score board by deep engraving a series of long thin (like 1mm wide or less) rectangles in acrylic. You’ll probably have to experiment with the size of the rectangle and the deepness of the engrave to get optimum scoring.

By the way, for paper scoring I like to use an agate burnisher like this one: