Does anyone know of a bone type font??
thank you. since I am new here, how do I go about downloading those
There is a download button to the right of each font style.
how do I get them onto glowforge after I download them
I see that they are downloaded by clicking on the down arrow icon in the upper right corner.
I searched my fonts and did not see them
Welcome to the forum!
The fonts @beerfaced linked to above are for installing on your own computer. You could then use them with a design program like Inkscape (or Affinity Designer or Adobe Illustrator, etc.). Designs from those can be uploaded to the Glowforge User Interface (GFUI) as vector images.
The fonts in the GFUI (which it sounds like you are using) are limited to what Glowforge provides. There is no way to add additional fonts there. They seem to be using Google’s library of fonts:
I would encourage you to look into learning/using vector design software (like Inkscape, etc.). It is a lot more flexible for designing for the laser. Using the GFUI, you already have some of the basic principles. Folks here will be happy to make suggestions for learning resources and, help you when you get stuck.
Great, thank you, looks iike I have some things to learn
You got this. I recommend Inkscape. It’s free, works seamlessly with Glowforge and there are tons of YouTube videos explaining everything you would ever care to know about its use.
Hang out here too and use the search feature. You’ll be amazed at the amount of info you can find and of course any time you get stumped just ask away.
You have great advice here, I recommend inkscape as well. With a design program you remove any limitations in your ability to create.
The fonts you download are .zip files. Right click on the downloaded file and select unzip. Right click on the unzipped file and select ‘install’.
Welcome to the community and enjoy your learning adventure!
Ditto on the Inkscape, very intuitive!
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