Bonsai in a Pot -- Yes I made another complicated puzzle!

Always love your creations!


So awesome!
Ukulele in a fireplace! Agh!


@Docsis, @ChristyM, @jabenoit, and @beerfaced Thank you! All your compliments make me blush :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@arh2 don’t forget @jbmanning5 who also has a company (and pet!) that makes puzzles :heart_eyes_cat:

@PrintToLaser I wasn’t the only one this year to experiment with multiple layers – in fact 3 of us did, all with different ways to create the interconnections, and 1 experimented with a verticle puzzle! You can see my “cohort” of Exchangers puzzles collection of stunning puzzles here: Redirecting...


@JimmyWayneWestie YES! I have finally been found worthy of receiving the GFSH award :smile_cat:

@reynoso, tessellation puzzles are a new trend that I have been watching – and participating in! Part of why I went with this design is from a different puzzle that I made and haven’t posted about yet. I call it “Tessellating Madness” and it is a pure tessellation, meaning that you can arrange the pieces however you like.

Now, I have come across those puzzlers who have to get to the original placement of the pieces when painted! But it was meant to be a creativity sparking puzzle, to see all the different ways you can think of to play. And boy did people get creative, assembling it in ways I never thought possible! Come to think of it, much like this one :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:

@ptodd, thank you! The four seasons seem to be a puzzle exchange theme that I am stuck on, as I also had four seasons on my last puzzle, a multi-layer Koi Pond. Unfortunately I didn’t get great pics of that one and need to finish the one I kept for myself so I can post about it – you know what they say about the cobbler’s son never having shoes :sweat_smile:


Lots of cool work there, thanks for the link - and congratulations!



I believe the first time I gave this award —- it was to given to a Monopoly board designer… As I was looking at it —- I was thinking —-“This would take me 300 years to make and I think this person is a super hero!!!”


You might want to go to his website and toss him a contact request as I don’t think he’s on here much anymore.


@tjones, @shogun, @cynd11, @MandyJoKal, and @Pearl, thank you!

@ellencadwell there were so many beautiful puzzles at the Parley, and I left with nearly as many as I sold :sweat_smile: It is definitely stretching the imagination to figure out how to perfectly align scores on both sides of the puzzle!

@kelley1, tell your friend that they should jump into the Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles Club on Facebook, if they love puzzles. Or not, because RIP the wallet :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

@MakerMatthew, I’ve got other designs I need to send to the catalog, but this is far too complicated, plus a numbered edition set :heart_eyes_cat: Thanks for the idea though!

@Aloha, don’t worry, the fireplace has never been used in this house, and isn’t likely even safe to use at this point :sweat_smile:


wow that is simply amazing


Thank you @ca_worth and @PrintToLaser!

So the magical dirt, the pot, and the leaves are easy to assemble, but boy oh boy, does the trunk confuse everyone! I don’t think a single person has managed to put it together the way the image is unless they look. The tricky bit is that all the connector shapes are exactly the same on the trunk as they are on the leaves. Which either makes it very tricky or opens up the option to assemble it your own way :joy_cat:

@shogun, I meant to note about the watercolors, the reason that I went with those instead of acrylics is because the color will sink in to the cuts and not show. I’ve been trying painting puzzles after cutting, since I am still getting a good amount of smoke deposit even through the masking. This way I can scrub the cut puzzle with water, soap, and a microfiber cloth to get as much smoke/resin deposit off, then paint away!

@jamesdhatch thanks for the suggestion, JB has some really great write ups comparing lasers and about the mechanics of laser puzzle cutting that are worth a read for anyone interested!


Love love love this!


So cool. I love these.


Thank you @marybeth and @pubultrastar! I’m starting on making the rest of the numbered editions, and remembered why it was so tedious to cut the first set: double sided scoring! Nearly every part has scoring on both sides, which I do by reversing and cutting through Snapmarks. I’d write up how I do it, but can’t remember if the SM are fully legit or still a beta thing that only some received :sweat_smile:


Not in beta anymore. But never released either. Just available for those of us who had it and haven’t had to replace the machine. We’ll lose it if we get a new/replacement machine.


Snapmarks were just a stepping stone on the path to the calibration process. They were never intended or advertised as a feature.

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Beautiful creation @jamely !

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Thank you, @marmil!

Thanks @eflyguy and @jamesdhatch for updating me on that. I thought I had read somewhere that if you were paying for the subscription, you could calibrate and that would “unlock” Snapmarks for you. It is a shame, since that is the only way that I know how to position an engrave or score on the back of a cut item without making a jig! Granted, it is a bit of niche use case :sweat_smile:

Maybe @dan could pitch in and tell us the official official current, if any, news about Snapmarks?


Well you can always use the “positioning” tool on the left of the dashboard to mark them. Which is a hassle if you have more than one or two items, but does work. You’d just have to make a list. I’ve also used a paint pen to mark on my grid where a board is supposed to go after I’ve made a set of something. Definitely not as easy as Snapmarks, which I never had, but it works. It would be nice to have a “snap to grid” option.


Thanks for the idea, @ellencadwell! Today I learned that the “Positioning Tool” doesn’t show up if the laser isn’t physically on :sweat_smile:

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That’s strange, mine does. I just did. I just have to click on a design on my dashboard and I can open booth the positioning and the alignment tool. I’ve learned to use both a lot.

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