Nifty! That is very appropriate indeed.
Very nice design. And welcome with your first post! You may be interested in the work that @takitus has done in engraving acrylic for a smoother finish instead of raster lines. Check this out:
Looking good.
What a perfect choice of material for this! Looks fantastic.
Nice. If you get green glass acrylic from johnsonplastics it’ll look just like glass complete with the greenish cast to the edges.
But first thought was you need an awfully big card case now to carry a bunch of these to pass out to customers… But ideal of course for having at a desk or the counter for clients to take with them, and the coolness factor will keep his name in their heads!
Sweet! Acrylic business cards for a glass business is inspired!
Thanks. Will check it out.
You’re right, there’s no way he could carry a couple in his wallet to hand out.
good choice of material
this is actually a great idea and since i am a window manufacturer you just gave me a great idea lol.
looks fantastic!
I love your idea. It looks great.
Great job on the cards.
I did this. I don’t have a glass company, I just wanted “glass” business cards. You won’t regret it.
It seems like the .04” or .06” acrylic sheets I have would be good for this. Clear, not green but, thinner than the Proofgrade.
I will try that. They are definitely a little thick with the PG.
Before coffee, I read that as a “widow manufacturer” which I was pretty sure you shouldn’t advertise publicly…
lol - right!!