Different colors of acrylic and wood as well as diffrent types of wood would be nice because I don’t know where to get this stuff.?
Check locally first. Plastics stores and wood mills are the best places. Youll get much better prices. If not there are tons of threads in the forums discussing where to buy good materials.
Inventables.com (free shipping over $100 right now!)
Soon glowforge will have a store open as well
Laird Plastics and Curbell have several locations and sell full sheets. We also use Garstons, they are a sign supply company.
I looked nothing really good and there pricing is high
Huh. I get a fair amount of baltic birch there - price isn’t much more than my local Woodcraft and it comes to the door
I get almost all my acrylic there. TAP sometimes or others for specialized stuff, but for standard cast acrylic in varying thicknesses I find most of what I want there. The Prime shipping can make an expensive piece of material a pretty good deal compared to some of the other places online where the addition of shipping suddenly makes it far more expensive.
Where are you located? Acrylic is not cheap ever unfortunately.
I have found that amazon often has good prices, I bought 12" X 24" sheets of 1/4" cast in a 4 pack for around $30 + shipping. If you buy a little more shipping is free.
Bako ca
Acrylic in larger sheets than 12" x 24" are costly to ship…local supplier is better if you can find one and the price will still be cheaper since you would save alot of $$ on shipping
If you ever head into LA you can probably find some acrylic shops - you can often by scraps pretty cheaply. I found one here in Tucson where I can pick them up for $1 a pound . And by scraps I mean I’ve bought pieces larger than 14x30 for that price (albeit color selection my be limited- you never know). Good luck !
Are you actually looking for “large sheets”, or are you looking for a more significant quantity of Glowforge-size sheets?
A Google Maps search like this is a good place to start…
Well, the forum has “automagically” made the link unusable. Thanks.
Searching for “plastic supply” in your zip code is a good place to start.
OK, removing “http://” seems to stop the forum from automagically ruining the link…
As others have suggested, check local plastic supply houses. They often have remnants bin that are sold by the pound.
Hmm, that reminds me, today is the 4th Friday of the month. I guess I know what I doing on my lunch hour…
(poodle not included)
They mention that most sheet remnants are 17" or less in width – perfect for the
Nice.I should show this to my local supplier and tell him its a good idea…hope he agrees…lol
Worth a try…
Wait… There’s a plastic distributor named after me? And they’re here in Vegas?!
If you take a look at this photo, you will think, wow that’s a good bit of acrylic, I bet it cost a lot! Nope.
Under $150 for all of this except the 3 medium-small sheets from inventables. The 3 from inventables cost me $50.
The largest piece is over 6ft tall white cast 1/4" thick. The next largest piece was a 4x6’ 1/4" piece of cast translucent blue that I’ve since cut down but would prob cost more than I paid for all of this if I had it shipped.
Local suppliers ftw.
Go claim what’s rightfully yours…lmao
I could drive to Boulder and pick up plastic on the right day and save in plastic what Is spend in gas. Wheels turning. I’ll have to check KC or StL first. @cynd11? Any finds locally?
Since I hadn’t planned on doing a whole lot in plastic I have not yet made that effort. But I’ve been seeing more and more in this forum that interests me and I think I will have to take on the challenge. Years ago (I’m talking maybe 25) there was a plastics supplier on Olive in U. City that had lots of acrylic; can’t remember why I went there. I will start looking and let you know what I find.
Delvie’s is where I get my acrylic for my CNC…they are in Utah but they ship and their prices aren’t bad. (Local folks, they do sell scrap for cheap. I’ve got piles waiting for all sorts of Glowforge learning!)