Had a go at @bwente’s Tangram design using the files uploaded by @marmak3261, out of 1/8" birch ply I picked up at Woodcraft last week. Since it is unfinished, I used TransferRite Ultra 582U as masking. I’m pretty happy…
YES!!! I’ve been holding off getting a Tangram set since the day I placed my order for a Glowforge because I knew I’d easily make my own—combine this with some of the cool layered/mixed wood designs some pre-release users have been doing with their projects and I bet you could make a gorgeous set to give away pretty easily.
It looks amazing! Thank you @dwardio for trying it out. Thank you @marmak3261 for fixing it.
I was looking for the original source for the background, I just pasted it in from Photoshop into Illustrator and never saved the psd. Ideally you anyone could just insert there own image.
Thank you to all the pre-releasers for working so hard to make sure we get the best product.
I am a bit envious that you all get to make stuff right now. I did not sign up to be a beta tester because I did not think I would have been able to devote all the time and effort that you all are putting in.