Exactly 3 years ago today, I purchased my glowforge pro. Thanks to all of you who wished me a happy cake day. I spent the weekend scaling up a project to test the pass through slot, as I rarely use that feature. This is a multi-layered piece that measures about 26 in by 19 in, and is the biggest thing I’ve created on my glowforge to date. I’m still waiting on a piece of clear acrylic that’s big enough to fit through the pass through as I’m going to make this glow red as an edge lit wall art. The pass through software worked perfectly, and all eight layers printed successfully and lined up very well. Makes you want a Mira 9 or something with a larger bed though. I’ll post the finished project once the acrylic arrives and I’m able to cut it.
Go Badger!!! I love the Union chair design in the background. This is awesome!!! I am totally impressed. I only have a basic GF but now I think I should totally try. Do you mind if I use the same design? It is so clever!
Only another Badger would recognize the Terrace Chair sunburst. Notice how I used the colors associated with the real terrace chairs? All of these elements, like the Bucky Badger and Sunburst are trademarked, so these are personal projects to add to my collection. You’re welcome to use these elements knowing that they are protected by copyright.
Yeah… I have one at home (mini version that is). I was just wondering if the complete design was copyrighted too… but yes, I would like to make one similar for my office…