I have thought of him many times. When my Glowforge quit working I know he would have had some words of compassion about that. I miss him, too.
I miss @PrintToLaser always uplifting and generous words of wisdom.
I wonder if Daniel ever created a profile of his own.
I see what you did there!
He was an all-around good guy and friend. I feel lucky that we lived close enough to get together occasionally — I wish we had done it more…
Happy Birthday @techquest89
Happy Birthday from me too @techquest89, I hope it is a great one!
Thank you! Hope you’re having a good day too!
Thank you! I’m getting over a cold and had to work today soooo it dmwas definitely not ideal
@techquest89 “human says hi she’s busy scatching ears”
Make sure she gives you extra scratches for me
Happy belated birthday @techquest89!
Happy Cake-Day @marthajackson1970 !
Happy Cake-Day @marthajackson1970!
Happy Cake Day from me too @marthajackson1970. Nice to have you on the forum.
Thanks! I had no idea.
Happy cake day @marthajackson1970!
Happy Cakeday, @shogun
Why thank you!
Happy cake day from me too @shogun! Another day to celebrate!