I changed the entire carriage plate and the tension pulley because my printers were way off. And when I calibrate the machine afterwards as you can see they are not aligned. Please tell me if I’m missing some steps.
I changed the entire carriage plate and the tension pulley because my printers were way off. And when I calibrate the machine afterwards as you can see they are not aligned. Please tell me if I’m missing some steps.
The lid camera calibration is usually not the answer to machine problems as the lid camera does not affect how the machine operates. In order to see alignment, you would have needed to print the targets in the corners and center of this board after the logos were printed. If the logos are printed in a distored fashion, the problem is almost always belt tension. It is not clear to me from your photo what alignment is off.
Looks like a belt tension issue to me.
Did support tell you those parts needed replacement. Sounds like an odd (and expensive) solution to a simple problem.
I had a small fire and the carriage plate belt and fan burned and the pulley wheel had a small crack.
Thank you for responding I put the belt on just like the videos I watched. Should I loosen it? I zoomed in and circled a few of the discrepancies.
I saw those logos, and this is definitely not anything to do with the lid camera. It is hard to tell what to change since many of the logos scored correctly and only a few did not.
Inspect the carriage plate wheels carefully for cracks or imperfections. Wipe the rails. Inspect the belt for bits of debris. Print the Gift of Good Measure on Proofgrade material with Proofgrade settings and share a photo of the result. Seeing what the cuts/scores and engraves look like will help determine what to change. Just looking at these scored logos is not enough info.
No way to say whether it’s too tight or too loose. When set according to the instructions, it will print correctly IF the rails and wheels are clear, as suggested above.
I never adjusted my belt in all the years I owned my first machine, but I never had to replace anyhing either.
There is no such thing as a “small fire” if the carriage is burned.You should replace it at the least.
After that you need to adjust everything properly and then run the Calibration routine untill it works. (hint: you can just put a new masking on the previous calibration.
Yes as stated above I changed the entire carriage plate.
Then it is a matter of getting the tension right, strong enough not to slip and not enough to impede travel.
Thank you