Not seeing it. If I could make things easier for myself, I’d gladly do it.
I don’t see how sharing my experiences will make things harder and you and other sharing theirs won’t.
How do you come to that when my machine behaves differently than others’?
Just you? How do you explain that?
Are they? How would one know? Can I know things like “Hey! Your machine might be off by 1/4” for a little while, so please compensate for it if it happens to you while we’re making changes." 'Cause it’d be great to know to expect a change and what change that will be. You can’t expect me to believe they’re just throwing these changes out to production units without testing them and know what the results will be.
I’m not expecting that, I assure you. What I expect is the results that @chris1, @mpipes, @davidgal2, and countless others are getting. And there’s no reason I shouldn’t expect that… unless something’s wrong with my machine.
I learned how to use it months ago. There’s no learning how to use the machine happening at this time.
And… I see your post has been deleted. Oh well. I appreciate some of what you’re saying. Thanks for taking the time to write it anyway.
Why the heck was @Scott.Burns post flagged?! There’s nothing in it that goes against policy that I can see!
Totally. I’ve had issues, unfortunately multiple issues. It happens.
Sorry. Was that too harsh?