Lol. I just sent @Tom_A a message suggesting the same thing.
yeah, like I said my warranty probably would have voided by now a little bestine on those “do not remove” warranty labels peals them right up and they are still replaceable
I haven’t specifically tested, but I’ve never had any problems with any other devices, including my 1st Glowforge.
Actually, the Glowforge is alone on that circuit (except for the window A/C unit I bought specifically for use of the Glowforge, and that hasn’t been on in weeks).
No. I did think about doing that last night and decided it’d be difficult for me to get it to another window on that floor, and I really don’t want to take it up/down a flight of steps. I could maybe figure something out. Sure it’s not a big ol’ tube TV or something, but it’s really not a pleasure to move. Yeah, I’ll do that over the weekend. Why not.
Granted, if it was a serious power quality issue, I’d expect more of a problem with wavey burns, but… you can never tell. My first gut feeling about his test cuts are that the Glowforge is sitting at an angle, not flat.
For whoso recordeth the first teardown video of a Glowforge, is rightwise king born of all Makers.
First person to donate their unit to AvE on the youtubes… hahahaha!
I’ll double-check. But, again, it’s the same table my 1st, drop-dead placement, Glowforge was on.
I use them to trim the long ends sometimes with this Basic PRU, after I’ve cut up a sheet. Couldn’t demo until I reconnected the machine.
This close enough for whatever you want to do with it?
I don’t know that it’s most others. I just know 66% of the ones I’ve used have had alignment issues. But my sample size is rather small and I do see several users stating how accurately they can drop objects via the GFUI. So hopefully I’m in the minority. As for bragging, I love when @Jules and others brag about what they can do with their machines! So I’m a little jealous at the moment. I’m hopeful I’ll have a resolution soon. Meanwhile I’m thrilled to see others’ positive results!
Not comparing machines, just don’t want folks to make a statistical judgement from a sample set that is found in Problems and Support. My Pre-Release is 5 months old, has been operated, abused and bumped. Center alignment is spot on. Maybe 1/32" off at the extreme limits.
yes tom please stop melting down already
Not seeing it. If I could make things easier for myself, I’d gladly do it.
I don’t see how sharing my experiences will make things harder and you and other sharing theirs won’t.
How do you come to that when my machine behaves differently than others’?
Just you? How do you explain that?
Are they? How would one know? Can I know things like “Hey! Your machine might be off by 1/4” for a little while, so please compensate for it if it happens to you while we’re making changes." 'Cause it’d be great to know to expect a change and what change that will be. You can’t expect me to believe they’re just throwing these changes out to production units without testing them and know what the results will be.
I’m not expecting that, I assure you. What I expect is the results that @chris1, @mpipes, @davidgal2, and countless others are getting. And there’s no reason I shouldn’t expect that… unless something’s wrong with my machine.
I learned how to use it months ago. There’s no learning how to use the machine happening at this time.
And… I see your post has been deleted. Oh well. I appreciate some of what you’re saying. Thanks for taking the time to write it anyway.
Why the heck was @Scott.Burns post flagged?! There’s nothing in it that goes against policy that I can see!
Totally. I’ve had issues, unfortunately multiple issues. It happens.
Sorry. Was that too harsh?
Yes, this actually was helpful. A little snark can come in very handy sometimes.
(The offensive caring post was removed.)
no i was being too sarcastic
I know. I was as well.
see it’s hard to tell when it’s combined in a serious post (hoisted by my own petard!)
Heh… I can be angry and maintain my sense of humor at the same time. I’m super deep and complex.
Fact is, I’d have more of a sense of humor about my need for a 4th Glowforge if it wasn’t for my Wife saying things like “Great… Thousands of dollars for this toy and it doesn’t even work right after 3 tries.” She’s not wrong. But she’s way angrier about it than I am.
We can’t, that was the point of the post. I was trying to explain that it’s not unusual. As far as other people showing what they are seeing, they might have to make adjustments individually to the machines if things get out of whack at this point, but if you do not contact Support, they do not know to make the adjustment.
I let a softer feeling get hold of me this morning and actually tried for an explanation of what was happening. It was a waste of my time. Not going to bother to do it again.
So…carry on.
Absolutely. I’ll be contacting support about this either today or tomorrow evening.
I had a think about this yesterday when I was reading your frustrated posts in the context of trying to analyze my reactions and the tone of my recent YouTube videos. I’m finding my own constant stream of sarcasm and whining rather tedious to listen to and trying to find a different approach. I accepted a machine that comes with a bunch of clear “not everything is working yet” warnings yet I get bent out of shape the instant it does something slightly wrong or confusing. What’s going on there?
I think what it comes down to is that I find myself operating in two modes. One is just playing around, where I can maintain a kind of detachment and awareness that it’s beta, calmly file bugs, and move on. But this can quickly and invisibly shift into project mode, which can look very similar to playing around (I want to put some words on this pencil just because I can) or can be more serious (I need to make a retirement gift for Janice from Accounting before her party tomorrow). Either way, it’s goal-oriented and malfunctions that get in the way of the goal are much more apt to cause ire. This is exacerbated by several factors: the machine is expensive, it was hard to get, it clearly has great capabilities and potential, and when it doesn’t do what I want, it’s still very close. A cheap commodity device, or something that obviously doesn’t work and never will is easier to write off as junk. The Glowforge is not junk, and I’m invested in it, in several senses of the word.
I’m going to try to recognize when that happens in the future, and use it to remind myself to take a step back, attempt to shift my perspective, and assess the situation in the proper context.