Once I got connected to the cloud it was great. One thing I have to remember is the whole process is magic to most people. So I see the calibrating message and I’m impatient. The folks watching don’t know it’s an extra minute that doesn’t seem necessary to me
I think GF needs to enable full authentication to join & use wifi networks. The venue had done a good job providing wifi accounts & bandwidth (local university). But they required both an ID & password. I had a wifi hotspot (Sprint) but had no service. My ATT phone had no service either so no way to use it as a hotspot. I tried setting up my laptop as a hotspot (Win 10 allows you to creat a wifi hotspot sharing your network connection - wifi or wired) with a password set up but no requirement for a user ID. The GF would connect but some kind of handshake wasn’t happening.
Finally turned out a friend of mine who was there had a different cell carrier (T-Mobile?) that worked.
I had premade a lot of pencils (thanks @marmak3261) and earbud holders (although someone lifted my sample earbuds ) as well as round Tuits, commemorative coins and 30 or 40 various other projects. People we’re floored when I told them all of it had been done on the GF - wood, slate, acrylic; cutting boards, living hinge projects, mixed materials, etc.
I had printed out one of the pages that GF uses to let people draw a luggage tag and let people draw or write what they wanted and then did the bed trace & engrave on ore-cut PG Maple ply tags. Some of the kids wanted me to put the trace on their earbud holders they picked up so I started doing those. Then folks wanted to do that with the embroidery floss barnyard animals I made (had a couple dozen I brought along).
Watching the GF take their drawing and engrave it on something just grabbed everyone’s attention. I had a large monitor that I had my laptop screen duplicated on so they could see what I was doing and the progress the machine was making.
Lots of conversation about the GF, ease of getting started, using it at home (vs the big machines some had seen elsewhere), price, etc. Got as much interest from regular folks wanting one as from the schools & libraries looking to expand their maker spaces. More than one person (& their kids) made the “I want one” comments. The variety of materials was huge in making the wow factor. A few talked about 3D printers and how they felt limited by (mostly) only making plastic bits.
Another local MakerFaire asked me to demo there and this one asked me to sign up for next year and asked me to do a talk as well. It’s a great way to see this in real life. Lots of sample projects people can pick up & look at helps get the versatility across.
If we can get the connectivity thing licked, it would be a slam dunk to do these kind of events all year.
Another local GFer (@d.z.schneider) stopped by early to see it in person - he got his golden email but is waiting to get it - but he had to leave before I got the connectivity working so he didn’t get to see it operating.