I was working on my machine fine, but after a cut the picture of my bed seemed to zoom in, and I can NOT zoom out. I have cycled power, logged out of GFUI, tested the zoom functions. I realize some of the be can’t be seen, but now I can’t see a significant portion I could see a few minutes ago (you can see the cut which I just made and have not moved the materials, but could not see that portion now. I have no idea what happened or how to fix it. Any ideas? I am including picture from GFUI and top picture of the machine itself.
Press & hold the space bar in your keyboard then click and hold your mouse and stage the window down. It looks like you inadvertently panned the window.
Thanks for the tip, I tried that though. The entire image just moves, no change of the image itself.
I’m on a Mac, not sure if that makes a difference. I am having issues with the GFUI as well, it won’t show me my files, I have to log out and log in again to have them load. Not sure if the issues are related.
Have you tried adjusting the material height manually?
Welcome to the forum.
I am guessing that with the time that has passed since your original post that this has resolved. If not, have you tried using the refresh the bed command under the three dots, or restarting your computer and using a different browser.
Thanks for the reply. No it has not resolved. I have refreshed the bed image, and restarted my computer and my Glowforge. I have not used a different browser, however it was working fine for one cut, then zoomed in without any changes to browser, computer, input file or anything. I am working on a Mac and using Safari, I would need to download a second browser, which I can do as a last resort, but based on the symptoms and its progression, it does not seem likely to be the culprit. I logged on from another computer and have the same issue. I realize I do not see all of the bed due to the specifics of the camera, but last night I lost another good chunk of visualized bed space and can not seem to recover it. I put in a help request for customer support. I appreciate everyone’s thoughts or advice.
I am cutting a very thin veneer, but based on your advice I tried that, without any change in the image.
How about resetting your router/wifi?
Looks like after you printed, the view reset for Thin Maple Veneer thickness. (Which is very thin, and that doesn’t look like thin maple veneer.)
Since you are using something in there much thicker than the veneer, although when the machine did the auto-focus on the engraving it corrected the view for the wrong height temporarily, after it was finished, it bounced the view back to the thinner material settings. (Which is normal.) If you want to see it go back to the view that you used initially, click with the Set Focus tool on the lighter colored board, not the tape. The view will change to compensate for the correct thickness of the material.
If you want to have that correct permanently, choose settings for material that is the same thickness as whatever you are working on in there. I think it’s just an extreme thickness variation.
Thanks for the tip, but it was actually indeed veneer, I am engraving on veneer for a hockey stick. It’s the third one I am making, so I don’t know why my machine all of the sudden made the change. I had set the focus before each cut, but only happened this time (it was my 7th time engraving on the veneer). I had used the painters tape before to keep it from bowing, but admittedly this time it had more because I had some of the veneer painted so it was affecting the flatness. I have since used a draft board marked with grids to track the space I have lost and it was over 3 inches, which is more than I should have with our bed. I have to finish the project so I am just working with the crazy zoom for now.
Silly question: have you tried command+ either the + or - keys?
It looks like you’ve got the full bed showing. You always lose ~1" on the top and ~1" to the side (because the laser head can physically go there) and that looks like what you’re seeing
It does look like you could move your material down and to the right and you’d see a bit more of your image…
Thanks for the time and help. but I do to have the full bed, It will not make me make the cut I just made without. moving anything because it is off the cutting area. The ram is off the cuttable area just after it actually cut it.
Did you try clicking again with Set Focus tool to see if the view changed?
I can see that you’ve also reached out via email and that our support team has contacted you there. To avoid duplicate communication and expedite your process, I’m going to go ahead and close this topic.