Cannot do anything


It would be helpful if you post some description of what you’ve done to try to troubleshoot this problem. The centering issue can be caused by multiple underlying problems, including Wi-Fi connectivity, Internet connectivity, bandwidth or hardware problems.

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Welcome to the forum. I am sorry your first post is the result of a problem. As jbpa says, let us know what you have done to try to fix this situation. Did you turn the machine off and then carefully move the head so it is directly under the camera? Have you restarted your router or checked your wifi connection? Have you tried a different browser? Have you searched the forum for issues related to Stuck on Centering? We are here to help if we can.

Thanks for letting us know about this. I see you emailed us about this issue, as well. I’m looking into your report now and I’ll be following up shortly via email. In the meantime, I’m going to close this thread.