Cant get new Glowforge to cut all the way though

Okay, in that case, there are a couple of things you can do…

Your machine is almost cutting all the way through, which is good. It likely means that the problem is just a need for fine tuning on your settings, or how you are anchoring the material.

If there is any warp in the material at all, the beam will not cut through everywhere. The Glowforge team shoots for “perfect cut” with the default settings, and kerf minimization, and although I love them to death, it’s impossible to make that work consistently every time, for all people, because the material can swell and warp slightly in humidity. If you live in an area where humidity is high, you are going to need to adjust your settings. My draftboard material never cuts completely through at the default settings here - it’s high humidity all the time.

So here’s what you can do to stop wasting material:

You can set up your own Custom settings for materials like Draftboard (MDF) that tend to swell. There is a writeup at the link here that tells how to save your own Custom settings for each material. You would probably just need to slow the speed down by about 5 to 10 points for your Draftboard Cut settings - that has worked well for me. No more than that or you’ll overdo it, and widen your kerf.

The other thing you need to do every time is make sure the material is pinned down before you start. We use these Honeycomb Pins, that we can print ourselves out of scraps. You want no warp, not even the tiniest amount when it’s cutting.

Second option you have if you forget to use your own settings is to just do a second pass. Do not move the material on the bed, or the image on the screen, set any Engraving steps to Ignore, and just hit Print again to send a second cut in the exact same place. (Critical thing here is to not move the material, so it’s another good reason to pin it down at the start. You can check to see if it cut through by using some doubled up tape to lift the cuts.)

You’re going to love it once you get familiar with how it works. :grinning: