I’m having a terrible time just getting started. I am trying to use the design space, and frankly it’s terrible to navigate and understand. I can’t figure out what my design will actually DO when I hit print. Are the blue areas cut areas or engrave areas? I have a design that I’ve set to engrave on two layers, a wreath and some text, with a circle behind them to cut it all out, set to cut. But when I select my entire design, the engraved parts turn to a solid blue circle, with another circle line outside it. What is it going to do when I print it? I can’t find ANY information about what solid areas and lines do when you hit print. And i don’t want to mess this up and waste a bunch of material, time and continued frustration. I’m literally in tears as this claimed it was easy peasy and it’s not.
And… how do you duplicate a design if you want to print it several times on the same material? Also not obvious, or found anywhere in the FAQ
If you follow the link provided by @geek2nurse you will also see keystroke shortcuts that explain how to copy and past your design for duplicating it in the design space. FYI, solid elements engrave and lines cut or score. The user assigns the tasks which are shown on the left part of the interface. You really must work through the tutorials - you will save yourself so much time and frustration.
I am working through the tutorials. It’s still not helpful, because they don’t show what the design looks like, or is supposed to look like in the tutorial. They actually show a workspace that must be outdated with pink and purple lines not blue. So… not very helpful after all.
With your design open on the interface you will see a column on the left of the different parts of the design. Hover your mouse over an element and that part of the design on the bed will change colors to show which design element you are addressing. Whether something will cut, score or engrave is noted in the operations in the left column.
In this photo, the first operation (engrave) is selected and the parts that are blue correspond to this operation.
It does NOT highlight anything in the workspace when i mouse over or select, and there are no settings when I edit settings. I am using a catalog design and still this is happening. I don’t want to waste a bunch of materials on a design that A: I don’t want in the first place and B: I’m not sure if the program is even working right.
WHY are you seeing pink and purple lines??? I have nothing but blue. !!!
I"m not an idiot, nor am I not tech savvy, but this is making me feel like that way. I have done graphic design for years, and I have a similar machine at home that has a similar interface that I didn’t have nearly this much trouble with. But there were good instructions and tutorials, I’m not finding these tutorials helpful or informational at all.
When you hover the cursor over an operation in the left thumbnail column, the lines turn blue. That is just so you can locate that part of the design. (It’s temporary.)
The red lines are normally Cut. The pink lines are Scores, and pink solid fill areas are Engraves.
I am sorry you are so frustrated by this when what you really want to do is get making the things you want. However, printing the Gift of Good Measure is an excellent place to start. Make sure that you have selected a material in the interface.
If it’s gray, it’s because it is not located completely inside of the work area. Try shifting the design until it fits in the areas between the gray margins at the side and front.
There are more instructions at the Tutorials site…look at the lefthand column on this page. There are a lot of tutorials linked in blue, you just haven’t been through them all yet.
(And you really will love it once you get past the initial learning curve.)
There are additional tutorials that might help…this one is a good one for explaining the ins and outs of the GFUI.
@amyelkins I’ve checked the logs and it looks like you were able to print. Congrats!
Thanks, @geek2nurse and @Jules for your tips and help, and encouragement.
I’m going to go ahead and close this thread for now. If you run into any more troubles or have any questions, please start a new thread.