This has been a fun project. It was not modeled after any particular existing grand pianos. The paint is matt as that is what I have on hand. If I make more, I would try a glossy paint. Hope you like it!
This is amazing. Cardboard!!
That’s really cool! I’m amazed you can get such detail with cardboard!
Cardboard is usually used as a cheap way to make a mock up to see if a design will work, but this one is definitely a keeper. Amazing detail. Thanks for sharing.
I am amazed at how realistic the keys look. Looking forward to seeing what else you make.
That is awesome!!
Wow – that looks great!~
That is just amazing!! Fantastic job!
I printed the white key pattern on regular printing paper and pasted the cutout onto a piece of cardboard before stacking the black keys over it.
That is a really amazing design and execution. Beautiful!
Crazy awesome!
That’s grand!
Are the keys actually cardboard as well? They look amazing, especially considering scale!
That turned out great! Love all the little details you put into this.
that is terrific!
Yes, the black keys are cardboard as well. White keys are printed on regular paper and glued to a piece of cardboard.
Here’s a demo of the piano’s articulation:
That is great! Now design it for proofgrade materials (even draftboard) and submit it to the catalog! It’d be perfect or other miniatures in there!
Wow, this is amazing! Thank you for showing the individual pieces in addition to the final product. I also love the video. Thank you for sharing!