Cathedral Wine Box

This type of solution could go with a ribbon or cord for a handle.

I could also raise two of the sides up higher than the top and then have tabs with detents/dragon claws to slip into the side.


This is a lovely box, very impressive.
I stumbled over it from this blog I recently started following :slight_smile:


Wow. International fame! Thanks for the find. Glad to pass the inspiration on. I do want to get cracking on a smaller one that uses less material.


I’m very new to the design and files and I’m sure that its all things that come with time but maybe someone could enlighten me on this.

I click save as on the image files for this and it only gives me the option to save as a PNG, I open this in inkscape but cannot get it to trace bitmap to be able to get it into a readable format. what step is it that I am missing?

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Welcome @t250marie92 to the community.

There are three vector design files as SVGs that you should be able to save as SVGs.

What computing platform are you using?

Doing a trace would be very hard to get the dimensions correct.

Get some cardboard and do it there first to get an understanding of the build.

Cathedral Wine (11.5 KB)

Here are the three files zipped up.

You might want to try this one first. It is smaller.


This works much better and I thank you for that. I was trying to figure out how to take them from my trace and into groups and I found that It was taking forever to select each node and rework it, (again very new to this)

I am using inkscape for now I have also downloaded the free version of fusion 360 but seemed to get lost in that much faster than inkscape. This was much easier to work with. now the fu will be to change it up some!

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I’m still curious as to how you weren’t able to save the files directly as an SVG since that is what they are natively posted as.

If you right click, can you see the option “open image in new tab”?

What browser are you using?

Here is my Chrome popup menu.

I have saved other posts on here directly as svg files but for some reason its only allowing the option of PNG or bitmap for me im using Internet Explorer

Are you right clicking on the file in the first post of the thread? The one shown immediately above is a PNG file. The one in the first post of the thread is the SVG file.

Really? Wow. That explains it. So much different functionality in the newer browsers. Does IE work with the Glowforge app?

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