Centering Circle problem

Keep stay in scanning and centering. after switch on…anybody got that problem…yesterday use is normal, first time have that problem, already clean the camera/ reboot modem and router/ stand next to her and use mobile connect…still not work…


thanks all!

got aother problem…the printer head was move over the print area and crash the door when i switch it on in centering mode…what can i do to fix it?

everything was work well until today i switch on…

And i’ was using the basic version glowforge hope can help fix it.



Support is going to need to take a look at the metrics for your machine to see what is going on. Sit tight until you hear from them, and be sure to check your emails. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m sorry to hear you ran into trouble. I see you’ve already contacted us about this via email, and I just followed up there with some troubleshooting steps. I’m going to close this thread now. Thanks for letting us know about this.