Changing a PNG logo so that I can CUT it out

I am having some difficulty with my logo. I have it as a PNG but when I upload this to my glowforge, all I have the option to do is to engrave it. I want to cut this out so that I can glue it onto a sign. I have tried opening the file into Inkscape and converting it to a path but it doesn’t work.

Any tips, tricks, DUH DO THIS, will be much appreciated. THANK YOU!

I am attaching the image part of the logo here.

If you have the original logo in vector format that’s what you need.

Svg, .ai, maybe even pdf.

A png is what’s called a “raster” image and you can only engrave those.

That being said you can trace rasters to get a vector outline, but it’s never going to be as clear as if you had the original vector art.

Previous discussion of rasters and vectors:


I have the logo in a SVG file but when I upload it to my glowforge app, it just comes over as a solid square with no actual logo. This is the SVG files, but it doesn’t look anything like this when pulled into glowforge.
Copy of New Everseen Creating Logo

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Yeah that SVG is just a square. There’s no logo in there.

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That’s so odd. When I am looking at it on my computer, it’s my logo but then when uploaded, it’s just a square. So frustrating!

When you upload an SVG into the forum it loses all the raster data.

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you can also use a website like convertio to change your file into your desired format

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Send me the file, I’ll cover you


That will have as much inaccuracy as any other trace method.

I went ahead and recreated the logo as a vector, (blue) then converted it to a solid shape (red) as well.


It’s not dead perfect compared to the original art, but it’s pretty close.

EDIT: I took a sec and fixed the one thing that wasn’t right, now it’s dead perfect.


This is one way to do it in Gimp.


Thank you all VERY much. I think I found a workaround. I uplaoded it to glowforge and then did a 0.0 inch outline and that allowed me to cut it.


I bet you’ll find the corners are soft on that outline. If you do, my vector version (the red outline in particular) is crisp and clean and can scale arbitrarily.


Here is the explanation I did…


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