Inception anyone?
It’s like your investigation of Fractals started turning into a fractal itself until you cut out of the process.
Inception anyone?
It’s like your investigation of Fractals started turning into a fractal itself until you cut out of the process.
So maybe a fake fractal (finite depth), that uses a vector shape to start from?
When I started looking I was thinking more along the lines of a dragon curve, or paper-folding fractals, and starting with a shape that itterates seems well within the capabilities of vectors. It could be scripted, maybe, to run a set of iterations and then some boolean operations, to spit out a cuttable vector shape?
If you’re happy with finite depth fractals, then an auto-trace function will give you vectors from a bitmapped fractal.
Yes, those are L-systems and are superbly suited to vector treatment!
I just played with the free version for a few minutes and this is the first result.
Seems to be a well written bit of software. It can even utilize all of my workstations 48 threads, but as far as I can tell there is no GPU processing support.
They’re looking into adding OpenCL support in a future version to make use of GPUs.
oh man…awesome… would you have issue with me engraving this?
Go for it - I’d love to see how it handles it!
Get the freak outta here. That’s really something!!!
because of this image, I’ve gone back and bookmarked this site to play with later. This is amazing!
Thanks for posting this, looking forward to exploring it
Here is a stock preset:
Here is the same preset but with some keys added for animation:
Way too much fun!
Gosh… I remember it literally taking hours to render a frame of a fractal animation back in the late 1980’s / early 1990’s.
The free version of the software has heavy limitations on the maximum resolution. The low resolution really makes a huge difference on render speed. At 1080p or 4k I would expect much larger render times. There are also lots of settings for the level of sampling and anti aliasing, both of which have significant effects on render time as well. I backed both down from the defaults for the animation.
I am very tempted to upgrade to the mid level package of the software even if just for the fun of it.
I encourage everyone give the free version a try. It is quite fun!
No kidding! I had one run for 24 days while I was away for winter break.
I think that was on default settings of like 270LPI. I just dropped it in there from this post and hit go. took ~25mins. forgot to put a cut around it so had to go back and do that later. oops! haha. Looks pretty cool!
Weeding it however… not so cool. lol
Was just contemplating fractal weeding…
I have a pencil with a rubberized grip that works pretty well for removing that stuff from engravings as long as there arent any really deep finely detailed fragile pieces.
For some things I leave the masking on. It gives it some extra bright tonality that I actually like a lot. (like the zenyatta engrave).