Cigar Engraving

Does anyone know the settings to engrave on cigar?

I’ve not seen a cigar, but lots of folks have done leaves…and in the end that’s what a cigar is so I’d start here (on the low end since a cigar is dried leaf)


Thank you so much.


This is really nice.

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One more question. Did you place the height to do this manually? What was your materials selection?

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It wasn’t mine at all, but the answer to height is 100% always use Set Focus.

Place your cigar
Pick your default setting (I’d go with paper to get you close)
Click on the 3 dot menu and click Set Focus
Aim the target in the middle of your cigar
Set your art
Adjust your settings
Hit print

Now, if your cigar is fatter than 1/2" you’re going to need to remove the crumb tray, and it’d be easiest to build a jig. If that’s the case, let me know and I’ll link you to some posts about that :slight_smile:


awesome sauce …you rock!
Thank you.


You would use the auto focus rather than inputting a thickness manually, and select uncertified material.


I always pick something close (the suggestion for paper) rather than use uncertified.


Recently did a few. I used the material type as 20 Lb Copy Paper, Speed 1000, Power 18, 170 Lines per Inch, Set Focus to the cigar center. A darker cigar works best. Light power gives it a white / grayish color and doesn’t go through the outside wrapper.


Click on the icon that looks like this: image (at the bottom on mobile, at the top on PC) and select the photo - then wait til the preview show the image, then submit :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community - soon you’ll be a pro!


Thanks for the advice. Photo uploaded.

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